you are safe Renesongs for now i have a uncle who's interested in joining, lets just say he almost boarded the Titanic!!!!
- Thanks to all of you who have replied to my Intro, you have really made me feel at home, Alan still got me rolling on the foor man. lol!!!! ?
- hehehe Alan man i am killing myself here thats the funniest !!!!!! lol!
- hehehe no Fritz more like 36 just put it in to see whos really reading lol!!! ?
- Thanks Guys ?
- Norio U rock loved it !!!!! ?
- Hello Everyone
My name is Dimitri, I have my whole life listened to guitars on all kind of songs, only realising now at the this late stage of my life ( i am now 96 ) that i wish to play the guitar, i have just purchased a steel string acoustic Cort, even though I received excellent advice from a pro( thats another story) I have no experiance other then the odd air guitar play, but hope in the coming months to confidently update u and tell u of my progress. So first thing is I need to take lessons i live on the east rand so if u or u know of anyone who gives lessons on this side please let me know Ta.
Thanks for reading this and not laughing hehehe
Dimitri ?