Last year about this time I had the honor of seeing a real live shred guitarist (Rob Marcello) doing his stuff at a boss/roland clinic.It was quite awesome because he knew all the other famous guitarist and you could ask him questions.He made a boss Gt8 rock!
Why is there not more players that is endorsed by big companies comming here?I would really love to see something like that again.
Robert marcello is great guitar player.
Paul bother does endorsments, every saturday at certain shops , there is a free workshop for anyone.
Hey Wessel, i was there as well, Rob rocked. His yellow Suhr was awesome. That dude even made a micro-cube kick ass.
And yes, it would be rad if say, Andy Timmons would come out the SA to do a Mesa/Boogie clinic.
John Suhr makes great guitars and Micro-cubes DO kick ass.
Charles Bothner told me recently that attendance of the workshops have gone down badly in recent years and they don't find it worthwhile to do them in any of the stores except Plumstead anymore. My take was that they are doing too many low level workshops, and should rather try and get guitarists from international touring bands and do less frequent, but bigger workshops. Good as some of our own players are, it's the international guys who have the drawing power. They all endorse somebody, and part of the endorsement is that you do workshops for the brand when they ask.
I'm still bummed GnR didn't come here. Not because I wanted to see them (I didn't), but because I had arranged with Bumblefoot to do three advanced level teaching-type workshops and he was really keen. Now that's a workshop.
Holy...! a master class with Ron Thal would have been the best ever. now i'm really bummed out ☹
Have you heard the Guitar Techniques magazine Mafalda lesson? I've got it here somewhere as mp3's and jpgs. Transcribed by none other than Guthrie Govan.
i haven't got that lesson. do you have the tab on digital format? post it if you do, please.
Only as jpg images and the mp3s.
good enough for me ?
Thank you very much ?
Hey I remember that Bumblefoot masterclass ? I got my name on the list somehow *cough* but yeah after Ron cancelled I returned my ticket to cokefest cause he was my only reason for going...
Also Bothners did attempt at getting Neil Zaza down but apparently he's booked till like next year November...☹
We did have a workshop featuring Grag Koch at the BMW pavilion and that was classic, the man is not only a great player but quite a comedian ?
I think the problem is that if you say, "come see Johnson, Mayer, Clapton or Vai" etc, people will flock regardless of whether they're guitarists or not - guaranteed.
I honestly think if Koch wasn't Fender backed (and lets not forget his BASSIST drew a few audience members too) and Bothners affiliates didn't have to punt it SO HARD there wouldn't have been that many people there - and a lot of that audience were 35 to 60 age bracket - an income/age bracket that brands like Fender can guarantee far better than Cort etc ...
Hell - Cort had MATT MURPHY - a pro of note - we never saw him and now he's no longer with us !
Save for the very well-informed guitarists (few and far between in this country) "come and see NEIL ZAZA" doesn't MEAN anything to most people - you have to actually READ UP on him to find out who the hell he even is first !
ie +1 to Alan - big "global" popular names bring big crowds !