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  • Apr 6, 2014
  • Joined May 23, 2008
  • Awesome!!! I need to try this out.
    • I know of allot of people from my generation that loves Rodriguez ...like myself? ( I am 21 ) Especially songs like Sugar man and I wonder. Which I am not sure is his original songs. I have even asked random people who their favorite band is and they would answer Rodriguez..and they would know all the words etc. A few years back SABC 3 had a documentary on how they found him and brought him to South Africa. Would like to see it again.
      • The Tina turner guys was on S.A's got talent last week!!!!!The fail is his performance.
        • Guitar : Jimmy page

          Bass : Victor Wooten

          Drums : Tony Royster Jnr

          Vocals : Freddie Mercury
          • Almost forgot
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote:You sometimes falter at the worst places - usually coming in a fraction early or late at the beginning of a phrase (like on the first beat after the intro drum fill and the first note of the final solo). Loved the Bubblefootish riff at 2:02, BTW...
            It was a 8th note pause I originally wrote into the song to create an feel of anticipation....But it consequently did not work out ☹ its a little bit longer when we do it live though but gonna scrap it on the recording. The same intro solo is the outro solo aswell so it happens the two times you mentioned. It is insane that you even picked it up!
            • Wow thank you Allan.

              Exactly what I needed! I am going to try and follow your advice and will post the updated version soon. Haha I have allot to do so might take a while.
              • Hi!

                Would like to get some comments on my Rock bands first demo.The bands name is Back to Vinyl. (we incorporate old and new school influences in our music)

                I used Cubase SX3 with the guitar rig 3 plug inn (A modified version of the Stray Cats sound with more gain). The drums was programmed on EZdrummer. I played on my Jackson RR3 with dime bag pick-ups straight into my interface (Behringer BCA2000).

                What can I do to make it sound better ? And any ideas for panning the tracks better would be welcome as I think that is a big problem. Aswell as the overall mastering.

                The track is uploaded here http://www.box.net/shared/p0r9e8c5iu

                The recording is also on our facebook page and myspace. and www.myspace.com/backtovinylband

                Hope you guys like it. ?
                • Hi

                  Don't know if this will work. Had a similar problem.

                  Click on the devices tab in Cubase and then select the device setup option. A new window should appear , uncheck the direct monitoring box. And check the plug-inn again. I does not work on my computer unless I do this ?
                  • Drugs is only a problem if your life resembles Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Haha I keep on logging on a bit waisted at this time and tipping this stuff. Sorry.
                    • I know we are speaking about cigarette smoke but some other forms of smoking really increases your listening ability and your creativity.....And does not have so much negative effects if not abused. Far less brain damage than getting waisted on alcohol. Makes cigarette smoke kinda seem pointless ?
                      • I upgraded to Firefox yesterday mainly just to use the chat function on Facebook. Comparing to IE it takes a bit longer to load pictures and there is allot of stuff missing on allot of pages. For example the GFSA theme song at the top now only says "This video requires Flash 8 or higher" . Is it just a matter of uploading some plug-ins ?
                        • Hi and welcome,when you dont listen to music or metal do you listen to jazz ?
                          • Manfred your in my team ?. Evil/power metal. Job for a cowboy meets Stratovarious.
                            • @ dean. How much does the Presonus Firestudio cost ? And where can i get one ?
                              • Awesome entries.

                                @ Quinus - I like the metallica One influence. Has the same ring to it as the clean guitar piece , not saying it sounds the same.

                                Maybe it would be better if all entries are submited at the same time to avoid the recordings sounding the same by illimanating the possibillity of contestants being influenced by each other .
                                • I think most people are just seeing Afrikaans music in the wrong way. The music is not about musical complexity but about entertainment. Like Robbie Wessel's " Looi loop ". its just a comedic song. That is why Afrikaans people like me could enjoy this kind of music because it talks in our own langauge about stuff whe do like braaing sokkie ect...(if you are Afrikaans you must have done both somewhere in your life....dont deny it.) Im really certain that most Afrikaans artists dont take their "music" to seriously but as something fun and sometimes serious to sing about .

                                  Whe Afrikaans people should really be more proud of our langauge and use it more in our music and not reserve our better music for a English band. Afrikaans and Afrikaners are not going away soon , our population is growing and will keep on growing for a long time. (Even if most of us are in London making Babies with polish chicks and raising them in Polish , Afrikaans and English.)

                                  And to all you Afrikaans haters atleast whe can speak and write more than one language in a lifetime and usually at the age of 8. Not being able to do this could seriously put your mental development at a great disadvantage (even if you suck in your second language like me.)
                                  • Haha most of this guys still dress the same way. That photo of Steve Vai could have been taken yesterday (Except that his guitar is even more hideous now) and joe Satrianni could have borrowed a wig ? And Don't get me started on Frank Gambale.
                                    • I can only base this vote on looks because I have only played on the RG. So I vote for the SAS32EXFM !