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Delta Male wrote: One person in JHB bought all those pedals. I also phoned for it lol.
Well, at least the bassist in our band bought the bass cab he was
selling... And like Nico said, it's from a well known muso ?
Yes, one guy in Joburg got them all ?
    lol, how many pedals would you say is enough Giggsy...? ?
      One of each type for every guitar.... ?
        Delta Male wrote: lol, how many pedals would you say is enough Giggsy...? ?
        Gees, I frustrate even myself with my GAS and searching for the perfect set-up - which is obviously an oxymoron... I was very happy with my Line 6 M13, the best multieffects I've ever used, until I saw all those pedals and decided to go back to stompbox-types. Again. So expect to see a practically mint M13 in the classifieds soon ?
          Giggsy wrote: I was very happy with my Line 6 M13, the best multieffects I've ever used, until I saw all those pedals and decided to go back to stompbox-types. Again. So expect to see a practically mint M13 in the classifieds soon ?
            Fender Champ Amp for R1500 - on my phone, so adjust link accordingly. Always wanted a Fender Mustang - If I wasn't getting out of my LP, I would've grabbed this!

            snap - can't copy the link in here for some reason. Google for a Fender Champion 110PR 225 on Gumtree Cape Town.
              If im not mistaken and this link works, this is pretty fair-


                Yep bad linkage my side too. Johannesburg gumtree, its in audio equipment i think.
                  singemonkey wrote:
                  They seem like nice guitars from the ones I've played. At beginner guitar prices + a pickup swap you've got a damn fine machine.
                  Should be picking it up tomorrow *holding thumbs*

                  Would like to see if it's possible to have one humbucker and one acoustic pickup running off of it.
                  And in so doing be able to get the best of both worlds out of two amps.
                  Plausible or pipe dream?
                    ShakeNBake wrote:
                    singemonkey wrote:
                    They seem like nice guitars from the ones I've played. At beginner guitar prices + a pickup swap you've got a damn fine machine.
                    Should be picking it up tomorrow *holding thumbs*

                    Would like to see if it's possible to have one humbucker and one acoustic pickup running off of it.
                    And in so doing be able to get the best of both worlds out of two amps.
                    Plausible or pipe dream?
                    Acoustic pickup. Better to put a piezo bridge on it and run that through an Aura 16. You'll get it sounding like a real acoustic and won't have to mess with the normal magnetic pickups. Try find some great Gretsch themed replacement pickups like TV Jones or whatnot.
                      Kalcium wrote: Lots of pics if you do ?
                      Countdown to 21:30 collection has commenced ?
                      There was another buyer that never pitched - so I'm next in line.
                      This is yet again an impulse buy for me - Have always wanted to play around with semi-hollow body's, so here's a chance.
                      If I'm not liking - I'll sell again and just go for my acoustic as intended initially?

                      On a sidenote - I'm so miffed at myself for missing ratrap (member here) by like 2 mins that came to come and view my Epi Les Paul at my place.
                      My sis-in-law is such a douche for not getting hold of me - I was around the corner at a friend's place, as I'd told them.
                      Been sending you PM's guy - really sorry I wasted your time ?

                      Anyway - have derailed enough - will post pics from the office tonight when I get ze Gretsch! ?
                        yeah sorry - I get a bit screwy with the terminology ?
                        I just play the stuff ?

                        EDIT: I gots her!
                        Ended up trading my Epi LP with a cash difference.
                        I'm pleased - new strings - a bit of a setup - perhaps some locking tuners later - and I'll be good.
                        Gonna hear what she sounds ilke on my beat up Peavey - but will be on the lookout for an amp.

                        Pics later - got to the office late.
                          ShakeNBake wrote: Should be picking it up tomorrow *holding thumbs*
                          Nice find! Congrats!
                          Would like to see if it's possible to have one humbucker and one acoustic pickup running off of it.
                          And in so doing be able to get the best of both worlds out of two amps.
                          Singe is right. Graph Tech Ghost piezo saddles with Acoustasonic preamp and a Fishman Aura and you're set. However, I would spend a little time with the guitar first, see if you like it (and if not, let me know and I'll probably take it off your hands for the same price). Fitting a piezo system to a hollowbody is not something undertaken lightly.