Thanks all, appreciate the input!
- Hi all!
Been given the opportunity to purchase a friend's Ibanez Ice Man. Only catch is this friend is on a different continent ?.
Can anyone tell me about their experience with it and how much the IC400 is worth? Very few of them available on Gumtree for reference.
Thanks for the response. This limited edition run has the Les Paul 'story' on its back as far as I understand, and the instrument was purchased as a collector's item by original owner as far as I understand, and hence, was not used.Gearhead wrote: In general the 'limited edition' is such an overplayed marketing card that the chances of an instruments 'scarcity' actually influencing its resale value are small. So what if 'only' 2002 of this particular model were made with that particular certificate of authenticity? LP Customs have been made since the fifties by (at Epiphone's quality level) by a dozen manufacturers and they probably still will be made in twenty year's time as well. The gold flakes off after 100-200 hours of playing and if this one is still mint it probably has not been played, which is not a sign of it being a particularly nice instrument to play.
My personal opinion on the value would be solely based on it being an Epi LP: somewhere between 3000 and 5000 depending on how badly you want it.- Hi all,
I was proposed with the option to purchase a 2002 Epiphone Les Paul Custom 50th Anniversary Limited Edition in Ebony with gold hardware. The guitar is in mint condition and is number 549 out of 2002.
Can anyone tell me about this guitar and perhaps what its price should be in the second-hand market?
Thanks in advance,
Eden -
Gretch Electromatic for R3,5k?
Plays great! I love it ?VellaJ wrote: I'm afraid I can't help, but I gotta say how purdy it looks ? Right up my street... How does it play?
I'm planning on keeping it ? ?Pretty unusual looking and rare though, so could be a keeper for you if you like having something unusual that no-one else has.- Hi there,
I've got an old Ibanez hollowbody from 1968/9 and I can't really find much info about this guitar (except for the year) and wondered if any of you will be able to help?
Also, what would this guitar be worth?
My guitar:
A photo from a website saying this guitar is from 1968:
- 2 days ago I recieved a Tele body with a Cort G neck, I decided to sand paper the body back to the wood colour (had a horrible metallic black colour and underneath it, it was white).
Today, I finally finished with the body. But, I am missing screws here and there (almost every where ?)
Any one knows where can I get:
8 screws for the scratch plate,
4 screws for the input plate thing (LP style),
2 screws for where the toggle switch and knobs are,
1 Screw for the bridge (already have 2),
1 string saddle,
and a set of pick ups ?
Any help (or donations ?) will be much appreciated
- I just bought this amp yesterday, can any one tell me about this amp?
I saw this too. Emailed the guy saying "This is an Explorer, not a Les Paul. You sir, have failed." :roflmao:
- In NGD :D
Haha I'm not too excited to get rid of it. But hey, if someone gives me what I want for it, why not? ? I'll sell it and wait for another one to pop up ?Giggsy wrote:
And now you have it up on Gumtree for double the price ?Eden wrote: ? I've always wanted one of those and now, I have one ? - In NGD :D
Yes it is ? Was so happy to see it ?Giggsy wrote: Was this the one on Gumtree? Was hoping to snag that :'(
And yeah as said by Vella, with the stock pick ups there isn't a huge difference. - In NGD :DSo today I have decided to join the Les Paul club and bought myself an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Black Beauty 3 ? I've always wanted one of those and now, I have one ?
worth checking a price?
Edit: Saw this too. Yamaha acoustic for R200 in KwaZulu-Natal
it says there that acoustics don't follow that sequenceCostaFonix wrote: looks like it still has the serial number on the label??
if so, check out this site :-
- Hey, I've been looking for a new acoustic and someone sent me photos of his old Ibanez Acoustic Electric he's willing to swap with me for one of my electrics. He says he has it for about 10 years already. I was wondering if any of you can ID it?
- what was the episode and season number? would like to download and watch it
- In RIP
Yes but not acoustic... Will have to buy a new cheap one til I get the money to buy a new one...FruitarGeek wrote: I hope you have another guitar to play in the meanwhile?