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  • Jan 17, 2015
  • Joined Sep 5, 2008
  • Thank you very much guys for taking the time to listen. We had a kick in the song originally, but took it out because all our originals have the kick in it. But will check that avenue again. And regarding the panning, I doubled the acoustic track, and panned it at 22 L + R.. And the vocals are in the middle with the bass. Is it better to pan the vocals off centre as well? The electric guitar is panned 32 L + R, doubled as well by recording it twice seperately. The tambourine was also doubled, panned 45 L + R...
    • Hi guys

      We're a Folk Rock band and recorded one of our songs to get some opinions. This was just recorded at home, and slightly mixed (without monitors :-[)....

      But hope you guys like it and can give some feedback! ?

      • :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
        This is HILARIOUS!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha
        • I read somewhere Ed plays a tenor guitar? Is this true? And if so, uhmm, exactly what is a tenor guitar? :-[
          • I just noticed something looking back at your post Allan, the frets I got are rounded? Should banjo frets be straight?
            • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Frets on a banjo are easy as - unlike a guitar - it's a flat fretboard.

              What repair work needs doing? Beware of fixing chips from fret removal before putting in the new frets unless you have the right size fretsaw to recut/clean the slots.
              I was going to make that mistake, but luckilly when i got the frets yesterday I was so excited to see how they'd look on the board, so i just slid some in the slots.
              I noticed the frets were covering most of the small chips, so I suppose I could leave that as is? Shouldn't be a major concern? Other than that, there are however
              some parts of the board whisch will have to be filled up, and like one or two of the fret chips are quite big. So them as well. My plan was to use an old bank card or
              something similar to slide in the slot, then fill the gaps? Any help would be appretiated Alan, I don't wana mess this up haha.

              Thanks guys

              • Does the banjo currently have a neck? If so, are you replacing the existing frets? If so, it should be achievable without too much stress

                Yes, has a neck, just replacing the frets. It seems very do-able... Also just have to do some repair work on the fretboard first.
                • X-rated Bob wrote:
                  Delta Male wrote: *BTW: The banjo still needs frets
                  Fretless is an option here. Darrell Scott played fretless banjo on Robert Plant's "Band of Joy" tour. Martin Simpson also plays fretless banjo.
                  This would have been an option had I not still had to learn how to play the banjo... Plus, I bought the frets from Terry D's yesterday, so I'm going to attempt doing the job myself. Anyone think this is a bad idea? Or is it possible to pull it off?
                  • Ok, I did initially try to soften it with warm water... :-[ Which failed.
                    I then came up with an somewhat "unaurthodox" idea.. I put the x-ray over the bottom metal piece and with a small hammer softly tapped the ring over. I then made about 12 cuts on the x-ray towards the inside. After this I sewed each piece across from eachother with needle and thread, so I could push the top metal piece over. I pushed it over and cut the thread. Then pulled each part as out as much, then i cross tightened all the bolts, this REALLY tightened the x-ray very nicely.. And, that's how it's done! ?
                    • I'm currently (slowly but surely) busy repairing my vintage banjo. I then decided to use my mom's x-ray as a skin because I was struggling to find what I wanted initially.
                      It really wasn't easy, but after some blood, sweat and tears.. It came out just as I'd hoped! Im contemplating installing some sort of light in the banjo to give it more of
                      an effect. What you guys think?

                      *BTW: The banjo still needs frets, so i can't give judgement on the sound as is, but I can say that compring the sound when simply tapping with my fingers, it sounds better
                      than what the previous plastic skin did.

                      • I picked this guitar up for a steal on Sunday. I am well aware it's not a gold mine, but still a very nice guitar!

                        • Congrats on a very nice guitar. I bought the exact same guitar on Sunday for an absolute steal. There are only three differences between mine and yours. Mine has the white pearl looking plastic on the headstock and the scratchplate, mine is a 12 string, and mine doesn't say Aria, but DIA on the headstock. Not a common branding on a guitar at all. Anyone know if there are any other differences? And also, is it pure coincidence that its a DIA, same as the DIAmond series Aria? Ill post pics tomorrow..
                          • Dont worry, it's better that way. I went this morning and sorry to say, but it was the worst service imaginable.
                            On the website they advertise a Parkwood PW 560, retail R8995, now R3995.
                            I read up on the guitar, and with Rosewood back and sides, Grover tuners, Fishman pick-up etc. it sounded like a great deal.
                            I am currently saving up for a Taylor, but thought this was a great price for what sounds like a very nice guitar.
                            I got to the store early this morning, and looked around for the guitar. I couldnt find it, and was pointed to the PW 360, which
                            is not as great as the 560. It was going for R3895, so I tried it out, and wasn't too impressed. I asked for the 560 and was told they do not have them available. The lady phoned their head office and they said they had one, which was to be kept as a spare. I asked if I could maybe go somewhere to view it, or if I could come back later on during the sale period. She said no it has to be kept as a spare. So, my minds made up, save up till the end of the year, and support the Marshall Music Midnight Madness sale.
                            • Wow, that is quite scary..

                              You see, the thing is earlier this year I read an article that said a woman was taken to court over bad mouthing her ex husband on a social networking site. It ended up in her being found guilty. The article warned that what gets posted online would from now on be taken more serious in SA courts.

                              If this is the case, surely it should not only count for things of a negative nature?
                              • The biggest sale Bothners runs during the year will be from 29 May - 02 June ?
                                • Hi guys

                                  I have not been on the forum in quite some time, been very busy lately. But something had me thinking more and more about the issue that is copyright.

                                  It has been a topic in many discussions, and I've heard many different opnions on this matter.

                                  I've met people who say they write songs, but do not want to play them to anyone due to it not being copyrighted.
                                  Then I've also heard of people claiming someone stole their songs, other's are not bothered in the slightest, and some have everything copyrighted.

                                  One specific person I know has had bad luck with SAMRO, where they sent in all the neccesary paperwork, and never heard anything back.
                                  Is this normal? And if so, how safe is the process?

                                  Then, I'm sure most people have heard of the term "poor man's copyright". Which is where you put the item you want to copyright in an envelope and have
                                  it registered and sent to back to you. If unopened this will stand in court and provide you with an actual proof af a date when this item was in your possesion.

                                  So, all of this had me thinking of a possibility. Now let me start by saying I do not wish to bypass SAMRO as they offer many different services.
                                  But, this post for instance, or on Facebook, or any website documents a date , as well as a time. Even down to the second sometimes.

                                  So, if lyrics, or a recording of a solo or an entire song etc. were to be posted, would that date and time stand in court?
                                  With a site such as GFSA, we have thousands of members, some whom are highly regarded in the SA music scene (such as Mr. Alan ? ).

                                  Surely all this put together should count a great deal?

                                  Further, I do not know how the hosting of a site works, or how many threads it could handle etc.
                                  So I'm not suggesting evryone posts every lyric or recording they write everyday. But, speaking for myself, I'd be willing to pay for such a service.

                                  Maybe like Soundcloud, you pay different subscriptions for more space and functuions.

                                  I'd just like to know what you guys think of this idea.

                                  Thanks for reading

                                  PS: This could be a nudge in the right direction for the muso's union we've spoken about lol
                                  • Musiekwereld has an amazing collection of guitars, yes, but imo theyre prices went up considerably wen they moved the shop across the street.
                                    • Hey guys

                                      Anyone perhaps know where I could find banjo skins for sale in CPT?
                                      If so, what would an approximate price be?

                                      I dont see any skins on terry d's website, though they sell other banjo spares.
