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Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha brilliant!!

    • [deleted]

    Good one
      The "Na" bit makes it for me. ? This would actually work great as a lyric cheat sheet - easy to read and follow.
        Very Good, although one of my least favourite Beatle Songs.

        Good thing Paul changed it from "Hey Jules" to "Hey Jude"
          Brilliant, +1 Alan, the "na" bit is awesome! hahaha
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote: This would actually work great as a lyric cheat sheet - easy to read and follow.
            I may print it for just that reason!

            Nice one, Lawrence ?
              Doood, that is so funny! Im gonna print it out to show my bandmates.
                That's brilliant! Now for a chord/tab cheat sheet in the same way. Compact!
                  Talking about gifts: Have u guys ever seen this commercial? It's brilliant...

                    great ad.............. heheheheheh

                    only gibsons i ever liked were the semi's tho......... and of course those old original jazz box's wow
                      Matt White wrote: Talking about gifts: Have u guys ever seen this commercial? It's brilliant...
                      (Damn, wanted to put it in the Buy for Xmas string... Ooops.)
                        Hahahahaa....awesome!!!......don't you guys ever work? where do you find the time to find these gems? :roflmao: :roflmao:

                        Loved the Gibson ad too......!!

                        Have a fantastic weekend........
                          Brilliant! :roflmao:
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