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the flames was sparked in another thread.

some of the local luthiers does both electric and acoustic, i just placed them in a catecory which they are better known for, for more info on what the luthier does check out this website, some of them even do violins..........

Marc mainguard(CPT , electrics also)
Mervyn davis(GP, electrics also)
Foster van der merwe(CPT)
Ian corr (CPT-corr guitars, electrics also)
Afri-can guitars(CPT - seen some of them at marhall music and paul bothners!!!)
Jimi Glenister (CPT - Carved top Acoustic guitars and mandolins, violins, cello, double-basses, lyres, hurdy-gurdies, etc.
Murray Kuun (GP - Guitars and violins)
Hans Van den Berg.
Jeremy Budgen
jmb9@vodamail.co.za 084 509 3032 in Delmas
Casimi guitars - cpt
Stellenbosch Guitar Company (CPT)
The Guitar Doctor(CPT - southern suburbs) (guitar and violin repair and building)
http://www.guitardoctor.co.za/services.html 082 720 4291

Brian fanner(CPT-forum member)
Alan Ratcliffe(CPT-you all know him)
Craig Cannon(CPT-forum member)
Robert Van Der Linde (Durbs - Forum Member)
Manie Grove (Gp - Forum Member)
Allen Lewitt(cant find much info)
Shaun O'Neill(durban - no info on him)
Andries Vorster(GP)operates out of Musika in Atterbury
Tean Butler Custom guitars(not sure of location) - teanb@absamail.co.za - 082 345 4399
DKB hancrafter guitars(GP), dean - 084 504 1812

Township guitars(oil can guitars) (CPT)
BvanS Hand-Crafted Guitars(GP)
JGS Guitars (pietermaritzberg)
The fretshop - Pretoria
Grant Fouche - 082-935-9053
JD Kustom guitar and electronic repairs - JHB

Jeff davies(CPT-forum member,bass guitars and guitars)

Johann Kruger is a bass guitar builder of note.
(Waverley, Pretoria) 082 802 3314

The Guild of South African Luthiers - http://saluthiers.ning.com/

Custom Pickups

Rude Rock Pickups Little falls Jhb west
Neil Pincus 072 301 2143

Shaun O’Neil O’Neil guitars & Pickups

46 Buckingham place cowies hill
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Phone 083 262 8802
Email oneillguitars@gmail.com

Just reply with names and a website if possible, i'll then add it to the list.
    Manfred Klose wrote: the flames was sparked in another thread.

    Brian fanner(CPT-forum member)
    Alan Ratcliffe(CPT-you all know him)
    Craig Cannon(CPT-forum member)
    Robert Van Der Linde (Durbs - Forum Member)
    Manie Grove (Gp - Forum Member kinda )
    I don't see many of those names on GFSA, so I presume they are posting under a nick. In the case where the luthier is also a GFSA member should the nick not be posted as well so that anybody who wants to make contact can send a PM?

    Andy McGibbon builds electrics.

    Mervyn Davis and Ian Corr will also build electrics as custom orders. Ian Corr also advertises that he can and has built electric bass guitars. Marc Maingard advertises electric models.
      • [deleted]

      Geee thanks for those...

      Murray Kuun is the one I have never heard of. His Arcthop looks FANTASTIC!!!

      Om my... I'm gassing ?
        Cool! I'm building a Seven shortly and a friend of mine's building a SG. Never new the wood was this cheap ???
          18 days later
          I'm looking for a Luthier in durban for one of my guitar students. He wants his guitar set up properly. If I was in Jo-burg, would send him no where else by Andy, but because I'm in durban, any guys here that do it well and won't mes up his guitar?
          Had my guitars (classical and electric) set up by Gary Gibb. I'll PM you his phone number if you want. He's in the Glenwood area, so a bit of a drive from Ballito.
            That's perfect, thanks Rob.

            I've actually heard about him before, was hoping someone would come up with his number. ?
              16 days later
              guitarboy2828 wrote: That's perfect, thanks Rob.

              I've actually heard about him before, was hoping someone would come up with his number. ?
              Dude, IMO a better option is Shawn O'Neill. All the Durban muso's ie. Barry Thomson, Dan Patlansky, John Ellis of Tree 63 go to him as their luthier. I have his number, which I'll PM to you if you would like it.
                Danny B, yeah, if you could PM it to me, that'd be great. Jon is a personal friend of mine, said he's a great luthier, he's based in Kloof though?

                I have heard many good reports of Gary Gibb too, and he is closer. So will give both to my student.

                I wouldn't mind Shawn building me a guitar, the one he built for Barry is awesome! ? hehe
                  He is a potent luthier! Just had a bone nut put on my artist, and I popped in to play a new acoustic he's just built...bloody wonderful! Amazing tone and feel...

                  I'm a student of Barry's - I played that guitar, sounded and felt awesome!

                  You have PM
                    12 days later
                    As far as I know, Brian Fanner owns the rights to Township guitars. And there are a lot clones around Cape Town.
                      5 days later
                      There is a Luthier in Pretoria you can add to your list. Really great guy and builds some awesome guitfiddles.
                      Andries Vorster, operates out of Musika in Atterbury
                        thanks have added it.

                        Wow, so we got 16 local luthiers so far!!!!
                          Tean Butler Custom guitars - teanb@absamail.co.za - 082 345 4399

                          The Guild of South African Luthiers - http://saluthiers.ning.com/

                          The Guild was kept together for many years by Rodney Steeldale - now living in New Zealand, I tried to get them to join this forum but seems only a handfull have embraced the computer age
                            2 months later
                            Mmmmm, l see l've been listed as a "kinda" member- any reason? You can reach me on 083 259 6300--- who are you anyway, what's your name?
                              I think he meant "rarely active" member ?
                                2 months later
                                After much time spent looking for the right guy to setup my guitar in Gauteng
                                I have decided that the only guy who knows what he's doing in my opinion
                                is Grant Fouche of Smashing guitars. Many pro's use him.

                                Unfotunately I dont have a number for him since my phone got stolen. He's in randburg.

                                Yes I was also impressed with about 3 other guys in Pretoria, but after repeated service
                                I realized tha many of them were unreliable, overpriced, unenthusiastic, HITTING on females I
                                referenced to them for guitar setup, Screwing up priceless guitar fretboards with bad judgement!
                                So after all this I wouldnt go back to any of them.
                                  Some okes hit on chics. Other okes smashing guitars. Who you gonna call?
                                    Ray wrote: Some okes hit on chics. Other okes smashing guitars. Who you gonna call?