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lawrence... lawrence... law-rence.

ooh! wait! lars! my main man! hows it hanging?

years my man, years. dont remember most of them but the papers tell its been a while. aparently its 2009 already. time shure does fly.

me an louise hooked up for a while but she moved back to ohio to be with her sick pappy. shure do miss her.

how you been?

thanks for the warm welcomes.
    wow she sure was a looker.. ???

    What you playing now Bucket top?...Besides the fool?...hehehe
      Hahahaha! Welcome aboard dude!
        Hi BCKTHD, welcome to the forum..... hahahaha!
          Hi Bucket

          Hope you washed out the bucket, chicken grease isn't too lekker for your hair ?
            thanks for the welcomes all

            they were right, this IS a friendly place!
              Welcome to the forum ZZ_Head... I mean... Bucket_Top... ?
              Make yourself at home and enjoy! ?
                Bucket_top wrote: they were right, this IS a friendly place!
                Nah - just a bunch of guys trying to bump their post counts. ? They'll all start ignoring or abusing you soon.

                Interesting intro, BTW. Welcome!
                  Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                  Nah - just a bunch of guys trying to bump their post counts. ? They'll all start ignoring or abusing you soon.

                  Interesting intro, BTW. Welcome!
                  Alan you see right through us.. hahahahaha..

                  Buckethead.. that was the best intro I've seen! :roflmao:

                  And don't mind Alan.. He is just unhappy cause he didn't do that kinda intro.. ? (O.K this time I am going to get banished to the dark underworld of drumming)
                    Classic! Nice intro dude, welcome ?
                      Neps wrote: And don't mind Alan.. He is just unhappy cause he didn't do that kinda intro.. ? (O.K this time I am going to get banished to the dark underworld of drumming)
                      No need - drumming is the dark underworld.

                      I never did an intro at all. I started once, but after five pages, thought it might be a little long to post and was better suited to an autobiography. ?
                        That's a very nice bucket you got there son.
                          Hey man welcome... f...., I like the bucket. ?
                            best intro thread EVER, i wish there were more of these.

                            Hello there!
                              Welcome man, had a laugh when I saw your intro ?
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