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  • Feb 24, 2011
  • Joined Feb 12, 2009
  • Well there's no problem with respect, we all get along great. Maybe style is not such a good word to use as neither of us have played long enough to develop our own style ( I have no idea if I'm making any valid statement by saying that)

    I'm much more influenced by metal(although my sense of timing is disgusting which might be the whole reason anyway) . The other guy has a lot more of a rock'n'roll approach with like loose rhythm kind of feel .

    What I've come to now is that I'm not so good so I need to just carry on until I can find a way to compliment the other guy's guitar playing. Maybe I'm being too impatient?

    Anyway, thanks for the advice
    • Hi,

      So I have this issue that annoys me to no end.

      Basically in my band, me and the other guitarist have very different styles of playing which makes it very frustrating and difficult at times to play together(even for simple guitar parts which is what happened today to make me write this thread). We haven't gigged yet and progress seems to be damn slow. The other guys know we have different styles but they don't find it to be much of a problem. Everyone has got a bit more experience then I do so I tend to take their word for it but I'm starting to get tired of it.

      At the beginning I was thinking " oh, maybe something interesting will come out of two different type of guitar players" but after time it kind-of feels like the guitar parts in songs are these weak pseudo type of riffs to fit both of our styles, Its quite difficult to explain.

      I don't know if I have got overly critical tendencies or a negative outlook or something.

      As a band , we all have got an idea of what we want to sound like but when it gets more specific then it starts becoming quite different in terms of musical influences.

      Anyone have any advice what to do in a situation like this?
      • I bought it with that 20% discount. Its amazing really. The backing track things is a possibility now because the new RSE is very good. Distortion guitar still doesn't sound to hot but clean tones like with things like reverb sound really good. Drums and bass are awesome too.

        I agree with the thing about the needing of different effects though. GP6 is alot easier to edit songs and get things in and such. And the one thing that I think is a milestone: you can open songs in different tabs instead of a new program!!!
        • So now who won? ???
          • I don't like this suspense building technique they are using . Maybe the names are travelling to one bag somewhere???
            • When are they announcing the winner?!
              • Haha I did have me a lol there. The form is now sitting in a dark bag waiting to make my day.

                Apologies Donovan, I forgot that Louis Gossett is now an admin for this thread
                • Hi everybody.

                  Just wondering with regards to this competition . It says entries close on Monday the 31st of may. Does that mean as Monday starts or at the end of monday?

                  Lost my opportunity to go down to Hillcrest this weekend and now I cant get there so just checking if its still valid or not
                  • X-rated Bob wrote: BB KIng was once asked how he picked players for his band, how important chops were. His reply was along the lines of "If he's 100% as a person and only 80% as a player then I can teach him that 20%, but if he's 100% as a player and 80% as a person then it's not going to work."
                    That's an awesome awesome quote

                    Although I have hardly any experience to be able to post something here , I agree with Gearhead's statement about everyone being on the same page. In my opinion I think being on the same page regarding musical interests and tastes are important as I think band members can become despondent with those different tastes conflict. In my band I get a bit uptight when the rest of the guys have sometimes just blankly looked at me after Ive spent a long time thinking up a certain series of riffs etc because it doesn't fit their style.

                    I'm not just talking different musical tastes as in jazz ,metal, electronic. I think it can get really specific. E.g Thrash Metal , Hardcore, Death Metal musos collaborating

                    But on the other hand I rate that different musical tastes can intertwine and even conflict which could potentially result in something interesting or , dare I say it, original.

                    I don't know If I made any sense at all

                    • On the subject of undecipherable metal lyrics : Misheard interpretation lyrics. Some of the ones you find are brilliant. This is my all time fav though
                      • Hahahahah i can't stop laughing at the hetfield one
                        • This is an amazing deal. Has anyone found a catch yet.
                          • I don't know if I'm getting confused here but what about the music shop in umhlanga rocks drive? Theres plenty of nice guitars there. Go to glenwood village music at the Glenwood market. Some nice stuff there too. Theres a coastal music in Riverside road by the Blue Lagoon aswell.
                            • I think you mean a pick slide? It kind of depends on the angle of your pick and stuff I find. Also, I have a pick with a bit of a sharper edge so I've got to angle it otherwise its far too harsh sounding
                              • hiiiiiiiiiiiii. your gooood
                                • Hi all. I really need you guys to vote for my design that I submitted for Horse the Band's tour shirt. Its for use whilst they are in Africa.

                                  This is my submission:

                                  And variations: ( Sorry the quality kind of went frot here . This is the .gif that was slapdash put together for me :/)

                                  You can go here to vote and see the other results:
                                  The vote box is after the pictures of the submissions

                                  I'm SUBMISSION NUMBER 2: LION ATTACK

                                  You can also vote here:


                                  If you have the time,the system allows so you can vote once every 24 hours

                                  THANK YOU
                                  • cool man. you guys are good. at least better than me lol. And I think I'm a bit older than you guys ?
                                    • I'm looking to get a mic to record some guitar tracks , and specifically , metal guitar with a more chunkier sound to it( Drop C chugga chugga ?) .

                                      Would the NT2 mentioned do the job?