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  • Guitar
  • Cape Town GFSA Members get-together

Thanks for the members that pitched, it was awesome seeing you all.

My band(without a drummer) ended up borrowing the drummer from "Die Yster"(really cool band!!!!!)
Jammed 5 songs together.

And we even had a secret GFSA meeting at the back, mainly to discuss how we plan towards our next meeting, cannon will give more detials soon.
    Thanks for the evening guys, I was great to meet you all.

    Thanks to Dino for the drink specials with our GFSA staps we got drinks half price the entire evening.
    First member on stage was Craig that went all out last night! Well done brother!

    The bands that play where just great, yea even manny got up on stage like at 01:00 in the morning and did great with the "drummer for hire" ?
    I had to leave at 01:30 when a friend was involved in a car accedent, so sorry that I just left without saying good bye.

    We decided to do this once a month, will chat to craig and put out the next event asap so more of us can play!

    I could see Rene were itching to get up on stage! Hope you enjoy your weekend off just playing guitar.

    Once again thanks to all the members that were there!

      Great to see you guys meeting up and having a jol ? Post pics and videos if you can. We all wanna see how it went down!! ?
        was great to meet the guys again, we were treated very well by Dino! I left as Die Ysters came on as I have earache from a wisdom tooth and it didnt seem to like the noise + cold air. Was quite keen to watch mannys band ☹

        definately do it again on a quieter night, Im keen to jam 8)
          Great get together The bands were great, nice venue really good vibe I hope we can do this more often. Next time I hope to get to play before all the half price beers get the better of me. ?
            Shot guys. Ursh & I had a great time! Only left after 3am. Didn't get to meet up with everyone though. It was packed last night and the place rocked. Will certainly be back next Thursday.

            Craig, you really showed that Strat who's boss!
              Was lots of fun dudes, great bands, would be cool if we can do this on a quieter night! They actually allowed me on stage with a harp in hand later on! Was good fun ? Can't wait for the next one!
                Darn, such a pitty I missed the later stages of the evening!
                Frits you must do your harp move next time again!
                  Was nice to meet everyone and see if the picture in your mind links up with how you thought they'd look. ?
                  Seemed that i left to soon, reading about all this late night action
                    Luvly to hear y'all had such a good gathering ? I hope I can join next time (though I don't see m'self lasting till 3am)
                    Two nights ina row down at the local and tonight even more beer than last night
                    (coz they couldn't get me off the pool table :?)
                    anyway 9:30 and enough already :-[

                      Yeah, was nice matching up some usernames to faces ?
                        Sounds like it was a fun night. So sorry I couldn't make it. Would have loved to see all of you, but we only got away from our gig at 2:00 and we still had to drive to Stellenbosch.
                          No worries Jo, we are going to do this once a month!
                          See you next time!
                            Thanx 4 coming guys...it was good fun!!!
                            Still chattin to Dino about what night will be best every month!
                            Every last thursday is always good as i told u guys....uhmmmm....whatever.....uhmmmm
                            too many beers and cuervo....dont remember too much of what we said but what the hey!
                            We also considering perhaps a saturday every month but there are always a few band
                            issues and we dont want too much overcrowding i think!

                            What you think???
                              I think the last Thursday of every month will be cool.
                              Having this on a Friday or Saturday evening will be pointless. CB is normally packed and non of the GFSA members will get a chance to play until 02:00 in the morning.

                              Lets keep it on the last Thursday of the month. That means the next meeting will be 28th of May.
                              What do you guys/gals think?

                                Cool bananas!!! We might want to set up a thread that can be updated every month as to what will be going down for that specific month at the meeting!!!
                                So we can throw a few ideas around and keep it interesting....u know like a couple of bands have a go one month and the next we demo tube amps or specific guitars or effects.....u get the picture!

                                Anyone interested in setting up a thread for this?.....manfred perhaps?
                                  seems like i'm always the middle man.

                                  Isn't thursday already a busy night because of open mic night?

                                  What about a monday or tuesday night?

                                    Manfred Klose wrote: seems like i'm always the middle man.

                                    Isn't thursday already a busy night because of open mic night?

                                    What about a monday or tuesday night?
                                    I also think a less busy night might suit us newbies a bit better until we can graduate to a thursday ?
                                      The thing is that I'll never be able to do 2 week nights like that and still gig on w/ends.
                                      So that pretty much counts me out and then u gonna need someone to set equipment
                                      & mix too....which i already do on thursdays.

                                      Also dont 4get that last thurs was a freak cos of the bands who usually dont play and
                                      the holiday the next day. It's usually quieter and dont 4get we can also use the back
                                      section to jam if we want and for meetings. Dino said its ours to use at meetings.?.

                                      Anyway let me know.