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Thanks to @guidothepimmp for our next challenge topic. This month we're going to do an Acoustic recording challenge.

Acoustic recording and methods. Using at least one Acoustic instrument, come up with your own composition or cover. The catch.. you have to use - at least one instrument - in an opening tuning

📅 Entries Close: Sunday, 14th February 2021, 23:59PM Deadline amended due to technical issues

📜Rules: Entries to be up to three (3) minutes in length. You must use an acoustic guitar in your recording. IF you don't have access to an acoustic guitar, then any acoustic instrument and/or clean tone electric guitar can be used. Annnd don't forget to use an 'open tuning' !!!

No genre restrictions or recording equipment restrictions. Use the interface, use the cellphone - it's all good.

P.s. Collaborations are encouraged!

⁉How To Enter: Record your entry, sign up or log in to SoundCloud, post it there. Then grab the SoundCloud link and reply here with the link pasted in your reply. **If possible, make your track public - that way I can make a playlist up.

**If you are doing a cover (yes, allowed!) and are concerned with copyright issues Or if you just prefer not to use soundcloud, @Norio has setup mp3 uploads, read more here

🏅Prizes: No prizes this month...but there is the fame and glory of winning a GuitarTalk Challenge. And the ever increasingly dubious distinction of selecting the next challenge topic. Not sure how one could ask for more!!!

Anyone can enter this competition. You just need a guitar and a phone. But any other recording equipment is fine too. Collaborations with fellow members or anyone you can recruit is encouraged!

Right up my alley 😃

  • V8 likes this.
  • V8 replied to this.

    V8 Hehe. Yes I am very much embarrassed. This is a good opportunity to get back to some long overdue guitar. 😅
    Been listening to some Acoustic oldies recently and have been itching to do a cover.

    • V8 likes this.

    Hi guys. My first ever entry, here goes (hope it's OK to post it here?):

    I record at home in my office/studio, which has zero acoustic treatment - that's a cost for another day. I sat on my squeaky swivel office chair, which was a risk for capturing acoustic guitar, but all came out OK for a quick-and-dirty recording.

    I used DADGAD tuning to complement the main progression, with some acoustic lead overdubs and then some electric guitar to build. Egg shaker and jingle stick played by me, not programmed. Signal chain is an SM57, an NT1, DBX 586, Scarlett 2i2, Reaper.

    All comments and criticism welcome!

    Bluetone Oooh that's pretty!

    Sounds very familiar. Is it a cover? Or just heavily influenced by another song?

    NorioDS Hi Norio. No, something of mine. I suppose in that the basic movement is from a minor first to a major fourth, it could resemble Breathe by Pink Floyd?

    NorioDS Sounds very familiar.

    +1, took me a few sleeps to make a connection. Incubus -> Drive. Not identical, but close enough to remind of this great tune!

    Nice one @Bluetone - you've set the bar high! I put my 'producer' hat on in the voting phase, but you've got a grand track there. 👍

    V8 +1, took me a few sleeps to make a connection. Incubus -> Drive. Not identical, but close enough to remind of this great tune!

    Ahhhh thanks! That's it! I think it's the strumming pattern and progression that reminds me of Drive.

    • V8 replied to this.

      NorioDS t's the strumming pattern and progression

      +1 strumming pattern and the first chord in particular. First listen gave me them melody, a sleep gave me a lyric and band name , then google did the rest 😆

      I've a sneaking suspicion I've learnt the verse or tried to) before.

      Dadgad was a fail for me - I've done it a few times before but this week, it wasn't happening. But Open G was more fun than I remembered. Well worth it if you feeling a bit bluesy 👍

      Got nuthin - how you guys doing?

      • V8 replied to this.

        klaasvakie Nothing much either, though I am throughly enjoying open G for randomly noodling during tv time. Can totally agree that a dedicated Open G tuned guitar is required for every GT'ers house - I'll be writing prescriptions for your spouses to peruse 😅

          @klaasvakie I've been playing around in Open C and I might have something that reminds me of Zeplin.

          I just need to add some lyrics to it.

          My biggest issue so far is that everything I do in open tunings sounds full enough to be an instrumental track only, making lyrics a mission.

            I don't really have a functional acoustic at the moment so I'm more or less sitting this one out. I probably should use the opportunity to mess around with some open tuning anyway but don't really have the headspace for it right now.