The Guitartalk Acoustic Recording Challenge
Oh nice Bluetone.. very nice. Bar is set high...
Oooh great track @Bluetone !
Dadgad was a fail for me - I've done it a few times before but this week, it wasn't happening. But Open G was more fun than I remembered. Well worth it if you feeling a bit bluesy ️
Got nuthin - how you guys doing?
klaasvakie Nothing much either, though I am throughly enjoying open G for randomly noodling during tv time. Can totally agree that a dedicated Open G tuned guitar is required for every GT'ers house - I'll be writing prescriptions for your spouses to peruse
@klaasvakie I've been playing around in Open C and I might have something that reminds me of Zeplin.
I just need to add some lyrics to it.
My biggest issue so far is that everything I do in open tunings sounds full enough to be an instrumental track only, making lyrics a mission.
I don't really have a functional acoustic at the moment so I'm more or less sitting this one out. I probably should use the opportunity to mess around with some open tuning anyway but don't really have the headspace for it right now.
Hello again, here's my entry...
It's called "Elfentanz". I actually composed it for the bagpipe, but it turned out to be suitable for guitar as well
The challenge was a good opportunity to practice playing with the pick, now that I have to learn it because I've bought my 1st e-guitar last year
Two tracks acoustic guitar, melody with pick, chords without. One track davul, one track bells and.....? Of course, some bagpipe sounds
Aloha y'all,
Just a friendly reminder that the deadline is looming (Sunday midnite) and since we've already got two entries...there's no extensions this time around!
Hey @Meticus & @Bluetone - @guidothepimmp did have a track ready before deadline but ran into forum based technical issues when posting. Hopefully it'll get resolved today and we can crank up the voting thread!
Will keep you all updated - thanks!
Thanks V8. Back up.. on mobile at least. Thanks for helping me post the entry
- Edited
guidothepimmp No worries, I was a ultra early bird today! I was about as shocked as the worm.
@Bluetone & @Meticus - My dudes, just to let you know Guido did have a on time entry Sunday evening, but forum issues prevented him from posting. No shenanigan's, I promise! ️
Voting thread is here -
V8 My dudes, just to let you know Guido did have a on time entry Sunday evening, but forum issues prevented him from posting. No shenanigan's, I promise!
I can totally understand that, I often have trouble logging in myself
And it's a fun challenge anyway so there would be no need to take it tooooo strict with the deadline. The more entries the better.