domhatch Yo dude - so in my songwriting template, I have ONE drum midi track. Within Studio One, this is an Instrument Track. Thereafter, this instrument track is multi-outed to a number of channels (Kick, Kick Sub, Snare Top, Snare Bot, Tom 1 2 3, Hats, Ride, overheads, rooms).
So I'll edit the one midi track and then once the songwriting is done and I'm ready to mix, I'll export stems for the channels - I end up with mono and stereo tracks (depending on what needs to be mono/stereo). Thereafter, I'll bring the stems into my mix template (working with WAVs is a lot less system intensive than with a virtual instrument) plus, I like to commit before mixing - if I leave it as a virtual instrument with settings that can be changed, I'd never end up committing to anything and would never get anywhere.
What drum vst are you using? You'd need to check out how to set up the routing between that and the DAW you're using - I use GetGood Drums (Kontakt instrument) and Studio One so figured out how to do that routing.