Its a Marshall CODE 100 2x12
It shouldn't be so loud (I thought), its solid state ... but... it is.
Or at least is load enough to be a problem, for my place and hours I want to use it ?
I use headset most of the times, or small studio monitors I got.
But the f**ckr doesn't sound the same as with it's own speakers,
which are not great quality BTW,
I'm guessing its efficiency is also on par (low).
It seems to me the speakers where chosen due to 'limited' range, its takes off a lot of the "modeling" defects.
Thats why I was thinking smaller speaker will make it sound "smaller" , thinner,
that amp has way too much low end, ...
and the "Master" volume is very sensitive,
on top the cab is closed, not open-back,
I thought about chopping it), but is still too new ?
Again .. thats why I though smaller speaker(s) could help.
But again not sure.
Thanks again for you sound advise, pun intended ?