Yeti @klaasvakie
Love the mashup idea. You’ve managed to blend the live guitar and samples to really create an enormous sound. Timing on the portion where the guitars follow the unlimited theme could be a bit tighter but otherwise really cool.
Yeah that's pretty accurate. I actually wasn't planning to play the unlimited bit (with the off timing) on guitar -- I had the "no no limits, just reach for the sky, no valley too deep, no mountain too high" bit planned as a solo played high on the neck, but after recording it it sounded really thin and didn't fit well with the thicker sound of rest.
I ran out of ideas (and time) to try and thicken it up, so I decided to play the pew-pew-pewpewpewpew-pew-pew bit lower down the neck instead, but since I hadn't played it before, I struggled to play it fast enough and thus the timing is poor.
If I have to add more self-criticism:
- The first time the "no no, nono, no, no" theme gets played on guitar, it starts a fraction too early.
- The first two times the money theme gets played on top of the synths+drums, I copied and pasted the wrong part of the unlimited song, so the synths don't have quite the right bassline. Somehow I got it right for the last ones.
- I think I would like the guitar softer in the mix, but I hesitated dropping it since this is a guitar-themed competition.
- The one time where I play the "there's no limits" bit higher up the neck I misfretted a note badly (looking at you pinky-finger)
I stumbled on the mashup idea by accident --- I was playing money for my son and he interrupted me at exactly the right moment for my fingers to mumble into something that sounded like no-limits. The two actually go together pretty well on their own, and it didn't take much to figure out way to blend them together. I still think it would've been nice to work the "no no limits, just reach for the sky, no valley too deep, no mountain too high" bit in there somehow, but couldn't figure it out a way to make it sound good.
Reading everybody else's process, I think I spent way less time on the final mix and levels, and I think it shows -- I have some learning to do there.
Thanks for the feedback @Yeti and @morph, appreciate it!