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24 days later

Yup, I also use the Variphone plugs per link above. Never tried those biking ones

    I don't know why I've never just bought an extension cable for my noise cancelling headphones to use as monitors. And now that I have monitors, I don't use them xD I also need an extension cable for those.

    Is it a no brainer to just use headphones when the functionality is available or am I not considering all the facts?

      Dont know if I am getting the question. If I hear you right, you could simply use headphones as a proxy for monitors, but what are you trying to achieve? Is this simply jamming via PC? Or are you recording etc as well? My limited view is that the quality of sound is better via monitors, for my setup anyways, amd i also find using headphones leads to ear fatigue quicker in my case. That said, i do like the option of juggling between the two. Especially with mixing.
      If simply listening to music, i use the monitors exclusively.

      • RCVN replied to this.

        Oh right. If the headphones can reduce DB, then by all means. I dont know that they can though like plugs. The Variphones reduce DB by some 15 to 20 DB which is quite significant. If its just for monitoring, what you suggest makes sense to do

        • RCVN replied to this.

          guidothepimmp Might be worth some investigating the reduction in DB's then.

          I generally struggle with plugs.

            a year later

            Spambot reminded me it be time for the annual earplug reminder! 😁

            I was at a jam yesterday and had a cheep pair of silicon plugs (no idea where my nicer ones are) - the only thing I could play was drums with any sense of 'monitoring' - the cheep plugs killed the guitar & bass for me. Though the stage was tiny and I could not place any of the amps to fire into my ears (the amp stands didn't kickback). A decent set of 'musician' 'plugs would have helped a lot.

            I see there's a new audiologist down the road from me that's apparently a variphone stockist - I wonder how much the variphone music-4-all plugs cost now. They're 17Euro's, but in SA? We'll find out!

            9 months later

            And its earplug reminder post time again. This time for 2024

            • V8 likes this.
            3 months later

            Recently one of my biking mates recommended Loop earplugs for motorcycling. They are about 30 quid so thought why not.

            pleasantly surprised by how good they are. There are different models and a test or 2 on my motorcycle earlier revealed just how good they are. Well recommended.

            IceCreamMan look smart

            I forgot my blimmin plugs at last garage days. Ears rang for days. Stoopid i was

            • V8 replied to this.

              guidothepimmp I've left mine at home for two jams in a row, luckily there's a spare set of oldskool construction style earmuff's at the Gear Junkie I can use - they're really kak for music'ing but better than having a head ringing like bell afterwards.

              Funnily, peeps are so used to seeing me with some kinda ear protection they remind me to go use them. Either that or they're tired of my excuses 😆

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