Did the four songs at vox lessons last week. TNT and What's Up are definitely out of my range vocally, but I can take the other two.
Garage Days in Pretoria
I need to move to JHB or something... lol...
Also with life kicking our butts the last while my wife and I will be taking the opportunity and making a long weekend that overlaps the PTA garage day... so a day trip to PTA for me is not gonna happen :-(
warrenpridgeon Too bad :-(
I've gone through them too. TNT is riiiight at the top of my range so I should be able to give that a shot, although I probably won't be able to talk the next day ?
What's Up isn't in a good key for men. If we don't have a female vocalist around then I'd suggest that we change key to E or F... possibly even G if we're feeling adventurous. It's a simple song so should be easy enough.
I have a CAPO that I can use for What's Up. Only problem is, it bends the strings sharp on my electtic - I think it's meant for an acoustic.
Put the capo on and retune to F#, B, E, A, C#, F#.
For what it's worth, the original is A,Bm and D without a capo.
I've emailed everyone the address, let me know if you don't receive it
I have some stupid questions, as I never play from chord "sheets". What is the meaning of the pipe "|"?
If it says capo 2 and you have to play a G chord, the it is an open G chord or the G barre at fret 5 with the capo on 2, right?
This means I can play an A chord if I do not have a suitable capo, right...
On What's Up as an example the chord are: G Am C G. So if I do not use a capo, it is A Bm D A, correct?
On hallelujah, the chord are in the key of C, so if done on capo 4, it will be in the key of E and the key of G on capo 7. I just want to "transpose" these, My capo is a bit kak and bends the strings sharp and my tuner can only do standard E tuning, so re-tuning after putting the capo on is not possible.
Hasie I use the pipe to show when 2 (or more) chords are in 1 bar. A lot of people just play with the song and ignore them.
Capo means put capo on 2, play the open G shape (which now is actually an A).
You are correct about Whats Up. that's how the band played it originally.
For halleljuah, that is how they are usually given. So transpose away, it should make the overall sound a lot richer.
Adrian ek is jammer om jou te laat weet ek sal nie kan bywoon nie daar het iets voorgeval, ek hoop daar is iemand wat my plek kan neem
Vriendelike groete
Hey all,
I thought maybe we should take a look at who’ll be playing what this weekend.
I’ll be bringing an acoustic, an electric and a bass and can do vocal duty on any of the songs. I’ll also bring an amp in case we need it.
This is what I’ve had a look at:
What's Up? – Rhythm, lead and basic bass
Down on the corner – ‘lead’ and bass
Hallelujah – finger picking and simple bass
TNT – Bass and rhythm
What have other people been looking at?
Though my bass is medicore at best (Only started playing again now after +-7 years) I'll be able to handle:
What's Up?, Down on the corner and Hallelujah
Can do vocals for hallelujah and backup on Down on the corner.
The playing and singing together thing still escapes me
Yeti I will being electric guitar, ukulele, and a rehearsal amp with multi effects pedal. Also a kazoo for Down on the Corner.
What's Up - Rhythm guitar
Down on the corner - Will work on simple rhythm to go with the repeating lead pattern (which I could also do, albeit not brilliantly)
Hallelujah - Strumming (should sound nice alongside a finger picking pattern)
TNT - Will probably be very dodgy for me, I haven't spent time on it
William Beetge - Bass, vocals - Lu22
Stefan Cronje - guitar - Hasie
Adrian van der Merwe - Rhythm - slowpoet
De Sousa Norio - - NorioDS
Denuyschen Andre (backup singers)
Bevan - guitar,vocals - yeti
Makushla - vocals