I have some stupid questions, as I never play from chord "sheets". What is the meaning of the pipe "|"?
If it says capo 2 and you have to play a G chord, the it is an open G chord or the G barre at fret 5 with the capo on 2, right?
This means I can play an A chord if I do not have a suitable capo, right...
On What's Up as an example the chord are: G Am C G. So if I do not use a capo, it is A Bm D A, correct?
On hallelujah, the chord are in the key of C, so if done on capo 4, it will be in the key of E and the key of G on capo 7. I just want to "transpose" these, My capo is a bit kak and bends the strings sharp and my tuner can only do standard E tuning, so re-tuning after putting the capo on is not possible.