Well ok.
I like some and I don't like some, but that is probably due to my preference (Read: Perception & Bias) for 'real' music with real instruments.
I generally don't enjoy iffy pop songs about boyfriends and alcohol but am more inclined to music that challenges conventional thinking and pop culture. Music that means something, you know?
But, I have also learnt that music means different things for different people and what is 'real' for some is fake to another. Matters of preference, personal challenges and culture.
I recently wrote an Afrikaans song directed at Afrikaans...erm.... music makers. (I will not call them musicians, not all of them)
The songs ask the question: 'Where is YOUR song?', because I am pretty gatvol of music that is on mass production and my ears can't take another song with a nursery rhyme theme, standard set of chords, same lead sound and drum pattern as everyone else. Enough!! But it's probably a rage against the machine anyway.
I get what @guyfeld is saying and agree, just not the 'not PC' part.
My 50 cents deposited.