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Fingers mostly

Jim Dunlop 1.0 black for strumming on acoustic if I need to
Jazz III for electric
Fingers on Nylon
    Red sharkies all the way - bass and guitar. Finger picking and slapping on my bass when I'm not lazy.
    I will say though that until they're worn a bit, the sharkfins make this horrible plasticy flapping sound.
    studmissile wrote: Any pick I can find after losing them?
    There was a stage where I would buy 3 picks before every weekend, only to lose them before Sunday. Perhaps they're used as currency by fairy folk - Like bic pens and the one sock that's missing after a wash.
      Dunlop Tortex U.S.A H3's for everything from rhythm to lead. Cleared out a certain retailers stock on Saturday. Went to Fridays gig with 4 in my pocket, returned home with one ?
      I cannot play with standard size picks anymore, I must have a hundred I won't ever use :?
        Been around guitars for half a century and still don't have a favourite plectrum. Scratching in the bowl for two or three that I think will be what I'm looking for every time I pick up a guitar is the psychological burden I carry with me through life
          Foottapiologist wrote: Been around guitars for half a century and still don't have a favourite plectrum. Scratching in the bowl for two or three that I think will be what I'm looking for every time I pick up a guitar is the psychological burden I carry with me through life
          hahahahaha i hear you
            White Sharkfin for Electric, and mostly red Sharkfin for Acoustic. I got a blue one as well, but hardly ever use it. Also have a dunlop Tortex .88mm that I have yet to try out.
              mostly fingers. always fingers for acoustic, actually. my nails hate me for it. but that pink nivea hand and nail stuff works wonders. put it on before bed. although lately it's become harder to find than the other sock.

              i do have a few of those ovaloid fender picks left, i reckon they're about .73mm thick, i'll use them for lead lines. bought a pack of them a while back and have about 3 left. jim dunlop jazz iii's as well, great attack.
                Bass- fingers, thumbs, thumbpicks (because you can't drop them ? ) or blue sharkfin.

                Guitar-I've always used the default red sharkfin, but lately noticed that thicker picks sound better for strumming so I've been working my way up to white sharkfins and will probably try a stubby next.
                  When I first started it was red sharkfin only, for those mind numbing manic strumming sessions. Nice and soft so you can beat those strings into submission.

                  Now I am also on fingers first especially acoustic and bass. As far as Rock/blues leads I tend to prefer the fingers/thumb ala Mark Knopfler.

                  I tried the whole left hand nail thing twice, but they irritated me so much I trimmed them down again.

                  I have a whole selection of harder picks but I don't really have any preferences

                  Oh and I can't handle thumb picks.
                    Surprised by the amount of Fin-love... ?

                    I like the Dunlop Ultex and Tortex picks. 0.73, sharp-tipped. Bloody hard to find sometimes, and I go through a lot of them because the tip does wear down.
                      Spoke with a Boerie Traditional player. His plectrum is a stiff leather patch 8). Must try that sometimes on a rhythm guitar ?
                        I hybrid pick. So my fingers and a Dunlop jazz 3
                          8 days later
                          Love the Alice picks, 1.2mm, 1.5mm. Had Jim Dunlop sharkfins. Most uncomfortable picks. I have small hands so that may be the reason. Lately been doing fingerpicking as well.
                            Jazz III
                            makes everything else feels like you are playing with a credit card.
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