Six years, I cannot believe. Insane. I've at least changed strings once in that time 😬 Also swopped in a schaller pbass pickup, Dimarzio pots and wiring.
I think the biggest changed came from changing the resistance of the tone pot from 500k to 250k. That really opened up the high end of the schaller. It's not the bassiest bass, but it's got a mid range sleaze that appeals.
The 'relicing' actually doesn't look all that different from the 2016 pics? Though the 2016 one's were a bit earlier, there's more yellow in that sunrise. By my eye, it's a bit darker than it was, actually now looks a bit more the age it's relicing suggests 😁 Wherever I rest by default is now very polished, so it's interesting to see where the wear patterns I would create be. The body is mostly worn where I would play, even the top horn is polished up - cause I spend a lot of time slapp happying away! If ya check the back of the neck, there's finger gunk where I like to play, 3rd, 7th or 12th fret - tells me I still dunno if I'm a guitar player or a bassist.
I think I might put some more work on the back of the neck - I want to remove some more paint, I really like the feel of the bare wood, sealed with sweat and hand oil 😝
Here's a 2022 set of pics - thanks for the poke @RCVN & @blood_bought