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Hi Guys,

I bought a second hand Washburn electric guitar case a few weeks ago. There are no serious issues with it other than the fact that the top lining is a bit loose and can be pulled out or off quite easily. I see someone has tried to glue it before but it is all dried up.

What should I do to place it back on so it stays there firmly? (as in what glue to use, double sided tape etc.)


    I reckon standard contact adhesive, Gemken or Alcolin. Styrofoam doesn't do well with anything with solvents in it or hot glue. It looks like they applied hot glue to the plastic part and then when cool enough pressed the two together.

    Drop some contact adhesive on a small piece of the Styrofoam and see what it does. If it eats a hole, don't use it.

    Otherwise apply to both sides liberally, allow to dry for about 15 minutes, then press together firmly.

    Available from any hardware store.
      6 days later
      normal contact adhesive will eat the styrofoam.

      genkem make a specific styrofoam glue that shoudl work.

      or stump up the R150 for a tube of Bostik / Simpson marine contruction silicone adhesive.. but be warned, that stuff will stick a turd to your forehead forever.. it sticks everything - permanently!!
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