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Good day

Im looking to buy a new amp any kind valve or en solid state i want to know what is your go to amp if you play
    Depends on your preferred tone and style.
    My goto is a Cube 80 for the 'leccie and a Fishman mini loudbox for the acoustic.
    Now and then I will take out the Marshall Class five for lekker crunch and overdriven guitar but only if the missus and the neighbours are gone ?
      Yeah, it's down to what you want.

      For me it's Eleven Rack for playing, but 90% of the time I use a Fender Twin or Vox AC30 model. I also own an original '63 Twin that I love to bits, but don't gig.
        I am using a Cube 40. I like it so much for its features, sound and convenience, that I bought another.
          I use a Cube 60... would definitely buy another one if needs be.
            Class 5 at home and AVT50 for gigs.
              As been said; it comes down to what you like and your budget. I personally dislike Roland Cubes. Just something i dont like about the sound. I'm considering the Vox Valvetronix amps for practice/rehearsals. To me at least a Cube sucks in comparison.

              For tube amp i think you simply must determine your budget and then go try a few. Now the amp i really want is the one i can't afford. ?
                Ibanez Mimx65
                Basically Ibby's version of the cube. Amp models and effects all on board so it's pretty convenient ?
                  I have a lil blackstar 1 watt valve amp for home use....love the blackstar..... a whole lot....either with single coil or humbuckers I get great tones out of it.

                  I do have a superchamp X2 as well for when I play with other ppl or band kind situation, heavily modified. can get pretty much most tones out of that with FUSE.

                    funkadelic wrote: I personally dislike Roland Cubes. Just something i dont like about the sound.
                    Me too. Well actually, I like the sound but there's something I just don't get when I play them..
                    For tube amp i think you simply must determine your budget and then go try a few. Now the amp i really want is the one i can't afford. ?
                    And determine the volume you need from it, and the volume you'll be able to play at for your main use for the amp.

                    I have a Laney VC15 for gigs and band practice. I use my Line-6 POD software on my PC for night time practice at home.
                      Hmm, i have 1x 6L6 amp, and one EL84 amp.
                      Mind you, i also have 2 Marshall solid state micro amps (MS2 and MS4), should try those through my 2x12 too.
                        All very much dependant on your budget and style of music,
                        If you're looking for an affordable solid state, I can highly recommend an Ibanez TB225 that I've used in gigs for many years. Lots of tone and versatility, lightweight and very reliable.
                        For an entry level valve amp, consider a Marshall MA50C, lots of power, great tones and true Marshall pedigree. This is my main gigging amp, and I'm very happy with it, but then again JP LeRoux did some magic on it and it kicks some serious butt.
                        I've left the best for last IMO, its a Mesa Boogie 5:50 Express, plenty of power, plenty of tone, insane cleans to crazy overdives and anything in between. Tons of low-end. I would use this amp at all my gigs would it not be for its weight, this 1 x 12 combo weighs a ton. A bit overpriced and not the greatest support from Mesa Boogie USA, but this one is top of my list.
                          The favourite amps I own/have owned to date for varied applications, budgets and reasons:

                          Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier + 4x12 cab
                          Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Limited edition with V30 speaker
                          Vox AC4TV
                          Roland Cube 60 (x2 for stereo)
                          Roland Micro Cube.

                          Buying an amp is a highly subjective matter. You'll have to supply as much information as possible regarding the gear you're using the intended application and the tone you're after before you'll get any truly useful (albeit still subjective) input from our esteemed formites...
                            Psean wrote:
                            funkadelic wrote: I personally dislike Roland Cubes. Just something i dont like about the sound.
                            Me too. Well actually, I like the sound but there's something I just don't get when I play them..
                            Great for practicing, tuning etc but I also don't like something about the sound. The JC 'Clean' is enjoyable and you can get some great clean sounds but I can't dial in anything decent on the Amp Sims.
                            I have the Cube 30x, maybe the bigger models sound better?
                              I play on my cube 40xl every day, my Jim root terror every week and my Marshall every now and then. That way I limit my damage sustained to my hearing ?
                                My personal choices are the VOX AC15C1 Creamback and when running in stereo, adding a VOX TB18C1 to the mix. Works great for me.

                                I think though, Rand for Rand, the Ibanez TSA15 is a great sounding amp for the money, especially if you can find one on a special somewhere. Marshall's in Cape Town had a TSA15 head for R1900, and the cab for R3200. Not a lot of money for a decent sounding valve amp!

                                I'd personally point you in the direction of Valves over solid state, as they generally just sound better, and usually, for not a lot more money than a reasonable solid state. The Laney Cubs are also solid little valve amps! May be worth exploring.

                                However, as with all these things, the question you have asked is very broad, so you'll get a very broad answer. It all primarily comes down to budget.

                                  My amps: ........

                                  1. Marshall JVM 210H with Marshall 1960A 4x12" 300-Watt Angled Extension Cabinet w/ G12T-75

                                  2. Vox AC30CC2x with some mods by JP LeRoux.

                                  3. Marshall AVT275 Combo Amp, 2x12 Celestion G12-100AVT

                                  4. Hartke VX3500 4x10" 350-Watt Bass Combo .... (Just for fun, I don't play bass ... well, a teeny bit!! ?

                                  My wish-list:

                                  1. Fender '65 Twin Reverb Vintage Reissue 2x12" 80-Watt Tube Combo

                                  2. Mesa/Boogie Lone Star 100-Watt 2x12" Combo - Black w/Black Grille ....... Why?? Well, listen to the
                                  tone Dominic Miller (Sting) gets with his Teles' ..... right there !!!
                                    My choice of amp is generally determined by my choice of guitar these days.

                                    My new Tele into my Trainwreck Express clone sounds absolutely heavenly, and so its the combo I've been playing most of late. I also love the sound of the Tele into my Plexi.

                                    My Les Paul's sound fantastic into all of my amps, but most often the amp I plug into first is my AFD100.
                                      Since no one has mentioned them I will. Orange have an amp with great overdrive at every price point. ?
                                        My main go-to amp is my Mesa Lonestar Special 2x12 combo loaded with Mesa-branded Celestion-made C90 speakers. My number 2 amp is a Mesa TransAtlantic TA-15 head that I run through two Mesa 1x12 Lonestar cabs both also loaded with C90s. They're both awesome amps and although I typically use the Lonestar more frequently I still really enjoy playing the TransAtlantic: gigged with it on Sunday and it sounded fantastic!