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Damn man that's fantastic. Loved everything
    Great stuff! Also love the song, performance, recording and location. Well done!
      huge thumbs up..... great song .... and video worked ...

      i also miss the drummer not being there ...... as his part does feature strongly

      and loved the out take in the car during credits.... nice touch indeed

      very cool band ...
        Thank you guys, really appreciate the great feedback a lot! We've had a really good response to the video that surpassed my expectations.
        Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Was this done on campus? Looks like the music building
        Yes, this was filmed in the music building at the University of Pretoria.
        Paul E wrote: Wow, what an epic track!!! Loved it!!

        The FB link you posted doesn't work (but the one in your sig does).

        On the video, great concept. Some of the zooms and movement weren't my favourite. But as a pro video guy I may just be nitpicky. Also... Where is the drummer? ??? Poor guy ?

        Love that SA has such kiff talent! ?
        He was probably still setting up ?
          OK I've listened to this a few times now. Still like it. ? A lot.

          Only thing that comes through to me now is there's a little bit of hesitation in the femaile singer's (Eden?) voice. She's quite unusual/quirky, style-wise and reaches for things most wouldn't, but she seems to lack conviction now and again - and as a result doesn't always nail them. She'll be wonderful once she builds her confidence a little more though.
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote: OK I've listened to this a few times now. Still like it. ? A lot.

            Only thing that comes through to me now is there's a little bit of hesitation in the femaile singer's (Eden?) voice. She's quite unusual/quirky, style-wise and reaches for things most wouldn't, but she seems to lack conviction now and again - and as a result doesn't always nail them. She'll be wonderful once she builds her confidence a little more though.
            Thanks for that Alan! She is quite different. I'll pass the feedback on.
              Again, thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it.

              There is a studio competition going on which our video is in which can win us recordings. If you feel you would like to support us you can go vote for it, I know liking and sharing something on Facebook is a drag sometimes, but you feel you want to, please do. We would appreciate it a lot.

              Head over to this https://www.facebook.com/loudmouthstudios
              Facebook page, and like and share our video (entry 14) to vote.

              Just thought I'd mention that.

              As typing this I see Alan mentioned this video in the newsletter - thank you so much Alan!! Can't express my gratitude.
                epictring wrote: Head over to this https://www.facebook.com/loudmouthstudios
                Facebook page, and like and share our video (entry 14) to vote.

                Just thought I'd mention that.

                As typing this I see Alan mentioned this video in the newsletter - thank you so much Alan!! Can't express my gratitude.
                Liked & shared - still a beeg fan of the tune playing in the credits (Aesthetically Wrong...?) - absolutely kickass tune :bopping:

                +1 for the Newsletter link, would have slipped by me otherwise!

                  BTW, the FB link in your first post in this thread is broken...
                    +1 to all the replies posted. This is what music videos are all about. I wanna see the artists actually playing. Don't need clever computer camera work/ naked chicks rolling on the beach/ explosions/movie clips/ whatever. Well, . . .OK, I'll reconsider about the chicks., But what I mean is great song writing, great performance, I was drawn right into the space and the song.Only one piece of (constructive) criticism, - I feel there were a few lost opportunities for more lead guitar infills and riffs. You guys are doing it RIGHT. !
                      very cool man!
                      I actually really enjoyed the electric guitar parts, thought they fitted the whole vibe perfectly.
                        Very lekker, can't wait to see you on the 14th of September.
                          Jayhell wrote: Very lekker, can't wait to see you on the 14th of September.
                          Yes, can't wait to check out some of the GFSA acts.
                            Jayhell wrote: Very lekker, can't wait to see you on the 14th of September.
                            yes agreed - lekka and will cheer on on the 14th
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