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I used to use Cubase about 10 years ago, loved it, couldn't get the hang of any of the others at the time, but decided that I was not going to keep on using illegal software and remained DAWless since. If I had to get back into it now I would probably go for Reaper.
    Sonar. It's an excellent DAW, but if I were starting out now, I'd go for Logic.
      Logic pro X. It was extremely easy for me to get started on it.
      It's recording is great and the standard plugins will keep you satisfied until you know what plugins you actually want to buy.
        Went from Adobe Audition to Sonar to Reaper as my main software while trying Cubase and Pro Tools extensively in between.

        If Reaper ever becomes crap my second choice would probably be Presonus Studio One (unless that's also become crap by then)
          I started off on Mackie Tracktion 3, then switched to Reaper and haven't looked back.

          I sometimes think it would be cool to get pro tools, but then I realise what a waste of money that would be.
            The problem with "Pro Tools" is there's technically 2 versions, the one you WANT if you're running a big pro facility with a few rooms and many engineers and the need to have everything hooked up and running smoothly, then there's the software-only version you can install on your computer in your bedroom to record yourself or other bands, the second version is just not worth it, it's too expensive and has too many issues, all you'd be doing is paying for the name basically, not too mention the AAX only plugin support in the newer versions which excludes a lot of the great free and cheep software out there.........(and the resource hit, a 32% usage project in Pro Tools is around 8% in Reaper with everything set up the same, so by the time I hit around 30% in Reaper my computer would be maxed out in Pro Tools)
              At the moment I'm using ableton Live and enjoying it.

              I normally used cubase a lot, but at the moment I know more about ableton and how to use everything .
                I started on Cubase, I've tried Ableton on a friend's PC and just couldn't vibe it, got Sonar with this module I bought, gave that a shot and didn't dig it either, tried Reaper cause a friend kept recommending it but again it just didn't feel right. Did a brief stint with Nuendo, which is basically Cubase, then finally settled on Cubase again cause it felt like home ?
                  a month later
                  Logic Pro 9 on the mac pro in studio.
                  on the macbook pro i got Logic pro X, still getting used to it.
                    a year later
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