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Hey guys

My band is currently planning to have a one week tour in Cape Town during our April holiday. We don't have an album or EP out yet but we should have at least an EP out before we go. At the moment we are having trouble finding a way to get the four members plus all the equipment there (6 amps, 5 guitars, pedals and a drum kit etc).

Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any ideas for us? Everyone will contribute for petrol, accommodation, food etc. Basically it's just getting there that is the problem - we can't find a panel van that's affordable to rent and I don't like to have all the guitars in the boot of a car.

Any suggestions will be appreciated!
    Most venues have basic drum kits you can use.

    phone up the venues you will be playing at, and also other bands you will be playing with.
    then you only have to take cymbals and basics, unless it is a necessity for the drummer to use his own kit

    borrow a small trailor somewhere
      Manfred Klose wrote: Most venues have basic drum kits you can use.

      phone up the venues you will be playing at, and also other bands you will be playing with.
      then you only have to take cymbals and basics, unless it is a necessity for the drummer to use his own kit

      borrow a small trailor somewhere
      Thanks Manfred, although I assumed keeping the guitars in a trailer was the same as keeping them in a car boot?

      Also, is there a thread on the forum that has a list of venues in Cape Town?

        Take fewer guitars and fewer amps. Do you have 5 guitar players and a keyboard player?

        Manfred's advice sounds great. Also tell us where you're playing and we'll try to make it out.
          singemonkey wrote: Take fewer guitars and fewer amps. Do you have 5 guitar players and a keyboard player?

          Manfred's advice sounds great. Also tell us where you're playing and we'll try to make it out.
          Ahh - I didn't think about venues having drumkits, thanks for that. That should help a lot.

          I'm not sure if we can take fewer guitars - it's my electric plus a backup, one acoustic, the singer's electric guitar and finally the bass. But I'll see what we can do, I just needed to be sure a trailer would be okay for the guitars. Not to mention safety vs having all the gear in a panel van instead of a trailer.

          It will be between the 18th and 27th of April and I will definitely let the forum know when it's finalised! Any other tips for planning or while we're there?

          EDIT: Manfred, we're mostly a rock band. Kind of modern, but not your average AC/DC wannabe group. We can play everything from Hendrix and Zeppelin (including a mean cover of Stairway start to finish) to the latest Red Hot Chili Peppers and even club/electronic music. We can adapt our setlist on the go as well

          We'll play anywhere - basically we just want to make back our petrol money ? ?
            Manfred Klose wrote: So do you do primarily cover music or original tracks as well ?

            We'll play anywhere - basically we just want to make back our petrol money - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/performance/going-on-our-first-tour/?action=post;num_replies=5#sthash.crUuu6Kh.dpuf
            Goodluck with that one ?
            At the moment it's mostly covers with two or three of our own songs, but we have 7 more originals on the way.

            Are we not likely to make anything at all? ?
              Are you going to plug the acoustic into something? If so, it's an extra electric guitar. Maybe an extra guitar is safe if you've got the space. So why are there 6 amps? I'd try to make your gear as uncomplicated as possible.
              Manfred Klose wrote: So do you do primarily cover music or original tracks as well ?

              We'll play anywhere - basically we just want to make back our petrol money - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/performance/going-on-our-first-tour/?action=post;num_replies=5#sthash.crUuu6Kh.dpuf
              Goodluck with that one ?

                The reason for bringing the acoustic is to do a popular song in a different tuning (Little Lion Man - playing it in standard just isn't authentic enough) through a Zoom effects pedal. But if space gets really tight we can leave the acoustic and one of the amps.

                @Manfred: thanks so much, that would be a big help, because none of us are clued up about the live music scene in Cape Town. And a big thanks to the other posters as well!
                  Hi man, we're also doing a Cape Town tour this year to get our stuff out there (check link in my signature).

                  We haven't got a date set yet, but PM me your bands details and maybe we can do a tour together.

                  P.S. Don't bargain on making any petrol money back. Chances are you'll come back at a financial loss, but you never know ? just be prepared.
                    The guys from Juggernaught put themselves and all their gear on a train.
                    We used to pile into a hired bakkie and do PE on Thursday, CT on Friday, Stellenbosch on Saturday, Bloem on Sunday, Home on Monday.
                      Averatu wrote: The guys from Juggernaught put themselves and all their gear on a train.
                      We used to pile into a hired bakkie and do PE on Thursday, CT on Friday, Stellenbosch on Saturday, Bloem on Sunday, Home on Monday.

                      And then sleep for a week?
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