FRIX wrote:
Friend of mine was looking at for an affordable bass amp last week, so I went and played on a couple of entry level amps. I must say even though I love orange amps and owns one (guitar amp though) the pix 25 did not impress me one bit.
It sounds like a practice amp, nothing more! Marshall music in woodmead quoted me R1200 for it which is pretty cheap but I personally would not buy this particular model. I would rather go for something like the Warwick BC20. They quoted me R1600 on that amp. All though its 5w less and definitely quieter than the orange the tone is far supperior on the bc20. It actually sounds like a bass amp even with the volume open all the way. Which is pretty difficult to do with a 8" driver.
Hope this helps
looked at the andy irvine demo on youtube on the bc 20. very nice. naturally, he's a warwick endorsee, so he has to say good stuff about the thing, but it's another one to put in that old 'consideration set'. (sorry, it's been a year for business clichés and bs bingo.)
i think a trip down to marshall is in order. there appear to be quite a few nice little amps in my price range.
thanks for all the input folkses, much appreciated