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  • Guitar
  • What annoys you most about guitars or guitar playing?

I'm thinking general things (so not "I get annoyed when I try to play a Flying V sitting down")... and if anyone has a solution, shout!

For me: changing treble strings (getting it to sit nicely and neatly in the tuning peg), rusty string trees and getting power to pedals (it just seems like we should be in a battery/ac adaptor free world by now).

Luckily bass avoids some of these ?
    Getting needled in the fingers when changing strings
      Bass guitarists, pick loss and cables.
        Explorerlover wrote: Getting needled in the fingers when changing strings
          bloody octave g on a 12-string. it's why i don't play 12-string any more.

          that, and the idiot who decided to produce the dunlop 1mm stubbies in clear plastic. brilliant pick. but it's clear. clear? really?

          no man
            Not getting to play a guitar for a couple of weeks and then suffering from burning fingers - especially when you have just bought a new guitar and just want to play it all night!!
              Explorerlover wrote: Getting needled in the fingers when changing strings

              Troubleshooting your pedalboard
                fret buzz.

                I cant shake my guitars' fret buzz
                  Always thinking that I suck.
                  Practicing a lot to only show tiny improvement.
                  Mastering something to realize that what I have learnt gets me only a millimeter closer to being as good as I want to be.

                  And when you tune a string for an ungodly amount of time with no change in pitch only to find you've been turning the wrong peg >☹
                    wirt wrote:

                    And when you tune a string for an ungodly amount of time with no change in pitch only to find you've been turning the wrong peg >☹
                    THIS.....especially the 12 string
                      Scenario One -

                      When the family are all out and I am finally on my own with a couple of hours to spare...

                      And I am not in the mood to play guitar...

                      I get out the electric and there is just nothing inspiring me to play anything at all. Pack it away. Get out the Nylon and I can't even get the damn thing in tune...

                      Scenario Two -

                      Messing around on the guitar and I get all these brilliant ideas for songs and the creative juices are flowing and there is this voice in the background " Won't you please go and fetch Sinead at Cresta and take her to her friend in Benoni...."
                        Jack Flash Jr wrote: I'm thinking general things (so not "I get annoyed when I try to play a Flying V sitting down")... and if anyone has a solution, shout!

                        Chad Kroeger knows.

                        What annoys me is that there are so many frikking guitarists.

                          wirt wrote: Always thinking that I suck.
                          Practicing a lot to only show tiny improvement.
                          Mastering something to realize that what I have learnt gets me only a millimeter closer to being as good as I want to be.

                          And when you tune a string for an ungodly amount of time with no change in pitch only to find you've been turning the wrong peg >☹
                          Pretty sure I've snapped a high E like that. D'oh!
                          Dunno why my brain doesn't register... Getting better at not doing it since I've been tuning by ear more.
                            Not having jam buddies.
                            The pricing system used by music stores.
                              Squonk wrote: "Won't you please go and fetch Sinead at Cresta and take her to her friend in Benoni...."
                              Well there's your real problem.... You let Sinead have friends in Benoni...... ?
                                When you're in 'the zone' and your wife walks in and says "do you have to make so much noise"........
                                NOIZE????? it took me 3 hours to learn that piece,,,, ?
                                  Writing some awesome material. Hearing it in your head....but not even finding time to get the studio in the new house sorted. Where am I gonna find time to record? :'(
                                    chris77 wrote: Not having jam buddies.
                                    And recording something thinking it sounds unbelievable and amazing, only to listen to it later and realise that it's utter shite...