Shewee... very very subjective question.. especially as you get to the higher prices... you could just as well ask which is better Gibson or Fender... oh wait... lol... just kidding...ajdebeer wrote: Good day i dont know if this is the right place for this forum but lets go.
What you think is the best guitars.
Under R 3000?
Under R 6000?
Under R 12000?
12k and over?
Would love to know what you people think
Music and the equipment used to create it is very very personal... One guy will like a certain guitar or amp and another guy would say that it was utter rubbish...
I haven't played very many guitars... I only play guitars when I am shopping for a new one... but from my experience...
Under R 3000 - Epiphone Les Paul Special II (Found it better that the bullet squire strat)... Steer clear of the cash crusaders brand...
Under R 6000 - I liked the Ibanez SA 36 DRS I had for a while, but I found I liked the Epiphone Les Paul Standard a little more
Under R 12000 - I played a Gibson SG that a buddy got for R 11000 ... It was cool and made me realise the difference in what I previously owned... But I prefer the features on the PRS SE Custom 24 that I currently own (current retail is close to $1000).
12 K and over... I've never played an instrument of that value...