Hi all. I stumbled accross a post on the official Fender Stratocaster forum about a guy wanting to sell his guitars because his wife was not happy with his hobby. One of the forum members posted the following reply:
"Persons never trained in music will never understand the discipline and the passion for it. They will never appreciate the need to play a phrase over, and over, and over again until it is mastered. They will never understand the emotion that is reflected in what has been referred to as a "guitar face''....that bent note that comes from your soul, driven outward and upward, starting in your feet and ultimately smashing forth through the top of your head. They will never understand how we can exorcise our demons through it, how it saves our souls and brings us peace.
Easier to describe light to the blind, sound to the deaf, and speech to the dumb.
Those who cannot share that with you, cannot possible share your life."
I have no intention of bashing our better halves, but merely wanted to share this amaizing piece of wisdom from an unknown somebody halfway accross the globe. After all the technical discussions I have read here in the past week I thought it appropriate to maybe share something that has brought all of us together in the first place as shared by this somebody - a passion for guitars and the feelings it evoke in all of us. KEEP PLAYING.
"Persons never trained in music will never understand the discipline and the passion for it. They will never appreciate the need to play a phrase over, and over, and over again until it is mastered. They will never understand the emotion that is reflected in what has been referred to as a "guitar face''....that bent note that comes from your soul, driven outward and upward, starting in your feet and ultimately smashing forth through the top of your head. They will never understand how we can exorcise our demons through it, how it saves our souls and brings us peace.
Easier to describe light to the blind, sound to the deaf, and speech to the dumb.
Those who cannot share that with you, cannot possible share your life."
I have no intention of bashing our better halves, but merely wanted to share this amaizing piece of wisdom from an unknown somebody halfway accross the globe. After all the technical discussions I have read here in the past week I thought it appropriate to maybe share something that has brought all of us together in the first place as shared by this somebody - a passion for guitars and the feelings it evoke in all of us. KEEP PLAYING.