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  • What personality does it take to be a muso?

OK, so maybe the question should rather have been "What personality does it take to be a GFSA member?" but, just out of curiosity, let's see what the more common personality types are amongst the GFSA demographic. One would expect that, given we all have an aptitude or at least interest in the creativity of playing guitar there should be some similarities.

Let's not make this a debate on how valid the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator really is as a psychometric tool or arguments about confirmation bias and what not. Let's just have some fun to see if there are any personality types that show up more frequently in this group of people that all have certain shared interests - despite the fact that some actually think there is any musical merit to metal 8)

If you don't know your personality type, you can take a quick online test here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp It's an interesting exercise anyway, if just to learn a little bit about yourself.

(old forum) Poll Results: What is your personality type?

  • ESTJ: 2
  • ESTP: 0
  • ESFJ: 0
  • ESFP: 0
  • ENTJ: 4
  • ENTP: 1
  • ENFJ: 7
  • ENFP: 0
  • ISTJ: 4
  • ISTP: 0
  • ISFJ: 0
  • ISFP: 0
  • INTJ: 11
  • INTP: 5
  • INFJ: 7
  • INFP: 2
    one thing you are negating is the propensity of the various personality types to be members of forums and then to actually take part in your poll ?

    Creativity does not bestow itself on any kind of personalty specifically , I would think its evenly spread across all the Jungian personalty types , however yr poll may reflect a different statistic but that would be due to other factors.
      IceCreamMan wrote: one thing you are negating is the propensity of the various personality types to be members of forums and then to actually take part in your poll ?

      Creativity does not bestow itself on any kind of personalty specifically , I would think its evenly spread across all the Jungian personalty types , however yr poll may reflect a different statistic but that would be due to other factors.
      That's such a typical response for INTJ ?

      No but really, I have no idea what a typical response for INTJ would have been - but maybe that's just because I'm ENTJ ?

      Look, you're probably correct but I still think there might be common personality types in a group of people who share similar interests. Often times our interests are unknowingly dictated by our personality types. I participated in a similar poll on a forum for software engineers and there was a very clear dominance of TJ's and specifically INTJ and ENTJ - that's you and me ?

      Sure, an ISFP person might be less inclined to fill out the questionnaire in the first place but I certainly think there is something to be seen in the results.
        deefstes wrote:
        IceCreamMan wrote: one thing you are negating is the propensity of the various personality types to be members of forums and then to actually take part in your poll ?

        Creativity does not bestow itself on any kind of personalty specifically , I would think its evenly spread across all the Jungian personalty types , however yr poll may reflect a different statistic but that would be due to other factors.
        That's such a typical response for INTJ ?

        No but really, I have no idea what a typical response for INTJ would have been - but maybe that's just because I'm ENTJ ?

        Look, you're probably correct but I still think there might be common personality types in a group of people who share similar interests. Often times our interests are unknowingly dictated by our personality types. I participated in a similar poll on a forum for software engineers and there was a very clear dominance of TJ's and specifically INTJ and ENTJ - that's you and me ?

        Sure, an ISFP person might be less inclined to fill out the questionnaire in the first place but I certainly think there is something to be seen in the results.
        Absolutely agree,,,i eagerly look forward to the voting on this .....
          What if you have more than one personality? My everyday one is quiet and self controlled but that guy I become on stage is loud and out of control. Maybe do the personality test for both...
            it scored me an ENFJ. But some questions were close, and I should take it again and see if it scores differently
              Squonk wrote: it scored me an ENFJ. But some questions were close, and I should take it again and see if it scores differently
              I believe the test is designed so that every personality type will find some questions that are close and others that are cut and dried. The idea is that, overall, things should balance out. If you answer one question "incorrect" it should affect the outcome of your test significantly. The problem with taking the test again is that you then often answer the questions with a certain bias. But then also, I'm not sure how close this online test is to the real MBTI test.
                Did the test quite some time ago, and can't remember what I am ? I'll look for it and fill in the poll later
                  Took the test. Turns out I am a INFJ.

                  Apparently there might be some hope for my musical future. Lol! Sadly doesn't feel that way YET. ?
                    ENFJ? A tad wrong.... Slightly extroverted? Yeeeeeaaaahh.... Suuuuure..... ? I don't think you'll meet a more extroverted person
                      Will be interesting to see the results of this highly scientific survey. ?

                      Dominated by the TJ's so far but more evenly spread over what I seem to recall as the "primary" traits i.e. the first two letters.

                      By the way - Is that a typical response from a ISTJ?
                        Since we're using science, I thought I'd drop in the conclusions of a study by Rose et al (1988)

                          briang wrote: Will be interesting to see the results of this highly scientific survey. ?

                          Dominated by the TJ's so far but more evenly spread over what I seem to recall as the "primary" traits i.e. the first two letters.
                          Nope. It's not a trait measure. Different theory that.
                            Obviously a sample space of 25 is still way too small to draw any real conclusions but it is interesting to see that we are fairly consistent in our perceiving function in that the N's outnumber the S's by 5-to-1. That means that, on average, we tend to perceive the world through intuition rather than sensing. I can imagine that this might be a typical personality type of musicians.
                            Those who prefer intuition tend to trust information that is more abstract or theoretical, that can be associated with other information (either remembered or discovered by seeking a wider context or pattern). They may be more interested in future possibilities. For them, the meaning is in the underlying theory and principles which are manifested in the data.
                            I would've expected the F's to outnumber the J's but it's the other way round, although only by about 2-to-1.

                            The MBTI instrument is fairly complex and I am sure that a psychologist or someone with MBTI training would be able to draw far more meaningful and interesting conclusions. But it would still be interesting to see more votes.
                              I thought you guys weren't going to debate it. 'Cos you realise it's kak, right? A scientifically trained psychologist is going to spend the time telling you the deep, unescapable flaws in the claims behind it - not how best to interpret it.
                                singemonkey wrote: I thought you guys weren't going to debate it. 'Cos you realise it's kak, right? A scientifically trained psychologist is going to spend the time telling you the deep, unescapable flaws in the claims behind it - not how best to interpret it.
                                That response is so typical of the STFU personality type ?
                                  deefstes wrote:
                                  singemonkey wrote: I thought you guys weren't going to debate it. 'Cos you realise it's kak, right? A scientifically trained psychologist is going to spend the time telling you the deep, unescapable flaws in the claims behind it - not how best to interpret it.
                                  That response is so typical of the STFU personality type ?
                                    Apparently I'm an INFJ and according to the below, I should be a politician, a kind of African Braveheart....

                                    "Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power.

                                    INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ.

                                    "There's something rotten in Denmark." Accurately suspicious about others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends. Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words.

                                    INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately.

                                    Writing, counseling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche."
                                      INFJ here too... I like to take these things a couple of times on different days though ?

                                      But I must say reading the profile there were a lot of things that describe things I do and how I act almost exactly!
                                      Thanks for this.