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  • Intros
  • Introduction of Werner Carstens - Finally here.

Hi all. I joined today after stumbling over this forum while searching for something else and I am so happy that I did!! I joined immediately!!

I live in Wellington (Boland, about 70 km's north east of Cape Town) and have been playing for about 18 years now - some professionally but mostly as an amateur. I have a full-time job and play during weekends and after hours doing sessions in studios and performing "live" as guitarist for singer-song writers in the Cape Town and Boland area. I am also involved with shows for theater groups in Cape Town. I mostly play blues, rock and Country chicken picking.

At present I use the following gear depending on the requirements of the recording/live session:
1982 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe Goldtop (stock standard)
American Deluxe HSS Stratocaster (stock standard)
MIM Classic 60's Stratocaster (severely modified)
Fender Blues Deluxe 40W Amplifier
Fender Super Champ XD Amplifier

Being a self-confessed sufferer of the feared GAS syndrome my gear is forever changing. That new Telecaster I saw in Cape Town the other day still haunts me...
    Welcome to gas central i think everyone here suffers from bad gas
      Tailon wrote: Welcome to gas central i think everyone here suffers from bad gas
      Speak for yourself! I have a very good homeopath.

      Welcome aboard Werner, why don't you post some porn pictures of your axes?
        Hi Werner! Welcome.
        That new Telecaster I saw in Cape Town the other day still haunts me...
        I know the problem ? Which Telecaster? ?
          Hi Alan, It is a standard USA blond Tele with a rosewood neck. I know that the classic Tele sounds come from a maple neck mostly, but I prefer rosewood for it's darker qualities, especially to tame the twang of the bridge pick-up.
          It is a tough question whether the price tag of this guitar reflects the difference in quality from the Baja Tele, which I think represents excellent value with the Texas special pickups and 4 way switching.
          Decisions, decisions.
            Welcome to the forum. Enjoy!
              welcome to the forum ?
                Hi Werner, welcome !

                Agreed on the USA/Mex quality VS price issue - BTW the Baja has a Twisted Tele neck p'up and a Broadcaster bridge p'up - which I think hel p a bit with maple's "sharpness" in position 1 & 2
                Like 2 hear the Deluxe - is shee a laminate/pancake body or a solid one ?

                  welcome and nice gear ?
                    Welcome Werner! Fellow Boland guitar nut...nice guitars!
                      Welcome and enjoy
                        Hi guys, thanks for all the welcoming notes. Much appreciated.
                          Welcome man...

                          Would love to know more about your MIM Strat and how severly you have modded it?

                          Got any pics / info?

                          My MIM strat has Kinman Traditional p.ups in them but still looking to replace nut / saddle , etc.

                          What would you recommend?