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  • Guitar
  • "Teach me to play something!"

You know how it is. You're sitting around, playing your guitar and a random girl comes up and says "Teach me something!"

I never know what to teach them. Guitar is really hard on the fingers if you've never touched a guitar in your life.

So can anyone recommend something that's ridiculously easy to play?
    I taught a girl to play the intro to Smoke on the water once. She was thrilled. I was slow haha.
      Zombie by Cranberries, it's the one I learned first

      Dumbed down version:

      Em: 022xxx
      C: x32xxx
      G: 32xxxx
      D/F#: 2xxxxx

      now this is the very dumbed down version, but it gets the sound and that is what got me is that I could hear the song I was playing.
        About a girl by Nirvana
        E minor and G for the verse.
        Otherwise it's zombie or linger by the cranberries

        D: xx0323
        A: x03330
        C: x32033
        G: 320033

        Or if they're really hot I work extra hard and teach them Use Somebody by Kings of Leon ? even easier to do on ukulele
          Smoke on the water is a good one.

          But remember guys, they have never touched a guitar in their life. Chords aren't something that can be learnt in 5 minutes. It takes practice, no matter how easy the chords are.

          It needs to be single note type stuff. So it needs to be something that within 5 minutes can be played by a total novice
            Methinks the dude doth miss the point...
              Isn't it some kind of law that you need to learn 'Come as you are' as your first riff?
              (or am I just showing my age?)
                The girl didn't ask you to teach her guitar, they always ask that for other.. quite obvious reasons :?

                  jip.. this is the girl holds the guitar with guys arms around her, guiding her hands to strum...
                  and then leading to something more 8)
                    Now that I'm thinking of it I've been asked twice by girls to teach them. In both instances I ended up dating them and never taught them a chord :?

                    GO DUDE!
                      Yup. That's probably lesson one in the relationship handbook for girls: Show an interest in his interests. ? No worries - it took me a couple of false starts where I actually tried to teach a few girls (and sent them home with homework) before I twigged on. Still, you shouldn't assume and should have a couple of easy beginners songs in the bag for the eventuality that they are really interested. I used to use the song Venus as the verse is Em to A and back, a pretty simple change for a beginner to get their fingers around.
                        peterleroux wrote: Isn't it some kind of law that you need to learn 'Come as you are' as your first riff?
                        (or am I just showing my age?)
                        Nope I learnt that one too.... I think it's the universal first riff of many beginners

                        As for the leading to other things part.... No.... Sometimes they just want to learn a song..... And they have huuuuge boyfriends who look like they're middle aged in high school......
                          Alan Ratcliffe wrote: (and sent them home with homework)
                          BWAHAAHAAAAA!! Homework.

                          (It's only funny 'cos I've done it too.)
                            Love the reaction when I teach someone who has never touched a guitar to pluck those first few notes of 'Nothing else matters'. (Basically just right hand with 1 pull-off...) The point being to show someone how easy it is to create something so familiar sounding with very little effort. Next I usually show how to play the very first part of 'Thunder struck' -again a familiar, technical sounding piece that is very easy to duplicate. Speed not important... Last but not least it would be a basic barre chord to illustrate how many famous pieces of music can be played by moving a single 2 finger position up and down the neck on the 6th and 5th string... These 3 noob exercises have served me well for years and the reaction has always been exactly the same -awe and fascination that hopefully translates into inspiration to pursue playing the instrument further...
                              Peter Gunn, it's an instrumental, but so what, one string and one finger needed. with imagination you can sing anything that you like to it.
                                ... Well I never thought of that... ???

                                I thought she just wanted to play something... :-[
                                  4 days later
                                  So what do you tell a 6 year old who has yet to get any dexterity? There's a reason why I dont teach man...
                                    Nitebob wrote: So what do you tell a 6 year old who has yet to get any dexterity? There's a reason why I dont teach man...
                                    Search youtube for 6 year old guitarists and be frightened and astonished.
                                      I started teaching my own daughter guitar when she was seven (over twenty years ago), now I find myself teaching a six year old and it's taxing my patience & tolerance levels like you won't believe,
                                      yet I still believe this young lady is gonna go the distance.