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i agree completely , a definite must have for any collecting , Jason really did his father proud , Kashmir and Stairway were my 2 favorites

So people if you don't have it , GET IT
    I'm keen. There's some great youtube clips of Plant and Page - especially a terrific performance on Jool's Holland's show - and they are by no means a spent force.
      Just be aware that, although Jimmy Page clearly made a big effort to work up his guitar chops, that this is not the wizard of the Albert Hall or Madison Square Garden concerts. In fact, for much of the film I was on the edge of my seat wondering if he'd keep up. He manages, but it's touch and go at some points.

      John Paul Jones is freakin' magnificent on it. Seriously. This would be watchable just to see that man work. And Plant is great.

      Jason Bonham is an excellent drummer who can play everything with skill and energy. But he does not wield the mighty hammer of the gods bequeathed to his old man. That sense of sheer, awesome power that John Bonham injected into every track is not there. It's like a high-quality print compared to the original painting.

      Damn good video. Just don't expect to see '73 Zeppelin brought back to life.
        Bonhams brief was dictated to by his dad , the other guys no doubt told him to keep in the groove and dont muck it up.....

        Jones is/was the unsung hero in zep i reckon ....the quiet guy that never got the true recognition he perhaps deserved.

        Page on the night was good , i could find no fault with the playing.

        But my sentiments echo those of Joe , this should be seen and appreciated for what it is ...... and its bloody brialliant
          singemonkey wrote: Jason Bonham is an excellent drummer who can play everything with skill and energy. But he does not wield the mighty hammer of the gods bequeathed to his old man. That sense of sheer, awesome power that John Bonham injected into every track is not there. It's like a high-quality print compared to the original painting.
          It sounded to me like they EQ'd the drums to sound John Bonham big, but I can't fault Jason's playing.
            Joe Moore wrote:
            Check this out :

            You had how many inputs?
            We started with the normal setup. You go, OK, it’s a 36-input band. And then you figure probably 10 or maybe 12 effects return, but by the time we do all the specialist bits and pieces… Well, 36 plus 40 effects, so approximately 76.

            76 inputs for a three-piece band and a singer?
            Yes. Well, it’s Led Zeppelin isn’t it?


            An Interview , courtesy of FOH Online , with sound guy Big Mick Hughes ( Metallica for 20 years +) , who was the band sound engineer for this show.
            Mr. Plant had his own sound engineer Roy Williams , (who also looked after some of the 40 effects returns).

            The full interview about the gig and the gear here:

            Nice find ,thanks for posting this ...

            i was speakign to an oke here at work , and there was a lighty listening to us talk ...lo an behold he was at teh cocnert ...cost him 1000 pounds ,,,he was living in london at the time and went through the lotterty system .... kids eyes lit up .....

            well i use the term lighty ,he must be around 30 i guess, i am old ?
              Okay. What about miking the guitar… Did he have like an army of amps up there?
              I used just the 30-Watt Orange with an Audio Technica AE 2500… sounded fantastic. Jimmy did have other guitar setups that he switched in and out as needed, which were also mic’ed with AE 2500s.

              30-Watt Orange?
              30-Watt Orange. I tell you what, in rehearsal when he fired that up, I was like, ‘wow, how many watts is that guitar amp?’ — and I went down and looked at it — it was 30 watts! I was like, that defies the laws of physics, but I mean really defies the laws of physics. It was the loudest 30 watts I have ever heard!
              But what about his clean headroom? And how did he hear himself on stage? Why didn't he use a 300W stack? - because everyone knows they take pedals better. Oh! The Huge-Manatee!
                15 days later
                i know this is sacrilige and prolly get me ex-comunicated from the forum but the more i listen to this album the more i reckon this is the best album Led Zep have ever made....yip i know ....but i am loving this album more an more ....

                maybe something to do with the advances in technology , maybe something to do with the lack of drugs, maybe something to do with the angst of youth removed from the members i dont know ..but damn this album is magnificent....
                  I have a feeling I am getting this for Xmas ?
                    Woo hoo, my wife just got it for me for Christmas. I know this because I just paid for it. :?

                    Can wait to check it out.
                      I have every Led Zep 8 track, cassette, LP, CD, video and DVD............this one brought a lump to my throat, incredible to see and hear the ageing rockers still thumping their unsmistakeable sound............... 8)
                        Ja I got this and it's very grand. Cant say that I prefer it to the old Led Zeppelin DVD's I've got though. Jeepers the drummer be packin da muffins hey? And Jimmy Page looks like my fortune teller. She also takes her teeth out on special occasions.
                          I'm also watching this am quite impressed. The blood of John Bonham lives on in the veins of Jason... (I enjoy Black Country Communion immensely)
                          Jimmy Page is still impressive and Robert Plant still hasn't lost it yet.
                          John Paul Jones can do no wrong and my alltime favourite No Quarter gives me goosebumps (The most played track ever in my collection - The Song Remains The Same)

                          I Love it... Thanks to GFSA for steering me in that direction ?
                            I opened this up this morning and I can't wait to give it a listen! :woohoo:

                            I dunno when I'll get to watch it though with the kids new PS games and their own DVD's...
                              Neon Gecko wrote: I opened this up this morning and I can't wait to give it a listen! :woohoo:

                              I dunno when I'll get to watch it though with the kids new PS games and their own DVD's...
                              I can't get to a TV/DVD player either... Watching it on my iMac with earphones on. 8)
                                Got this in my stocking as well ?
                                  DaFiz wrote:
                                  Neon Gecko wrote: I opened this up this morning and I can't wait to give it a listen! :woohoo:

                                  I dunno when I'll get to watch it though with the kids new PS games and their own DVD's...
                                  I can't get to a TV/DVD player either... Watching it on my iMac with earphones on. 8)
                                  Yeah, I also started to watch it on my pc, but soon put it off coz I wanna have the full 5.1 sound experience... 8)
                                    Bought this for my Dad purely for the DVD as he already owns all the music. We spun a few tracks on the DVD, well worth it even if you just want it for the live performance.