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  • Gear
  • Buying your first gear the smart way - the Singemonkey approach

12 days later
15 days later
Andrew J Bryson wrote: Cool Post SingeMonkey

Hmmmm LaneyCab GAS!
SO true... ?
    5 months later
    I wish I read this 2 years ago :-\
    I just so happens that the little practice amp I got then doesn't wanna anymore... And by that I mean... Wanna do anything!
    So alas, I will be looking for a new amp now, but I have taken your advice to heart, and now know what I am looking for, Thanks!
      2 years later
      10 days later
      Some really good information here.

      I am a bit gutted about the Sharkfin comments though - I have been using Sharkfin white picks for about 40 years and feel uncomfortable using anything else.

      Mind you, the pictured plectrum is a Sharkfin red which is like strumming your guitar with a piece of asparagus, so I guess that must be what you were referring to!?

      So..... we can still be friends! ?



        10 days later
        Sure. Just as soon as you get a real plectrum. ?

        Beardedmoose - reports of quality Squiers are like Bigfoot. People continually claim to have found it, but when you examine the evidence, it doesn't stack up.
          singemonkey wrote: Sure. Just as soon as you get a real plectrum. ?

          Beardedmoose - reports of quality Squiers are like Bigfoot. People continually claim to have found it, but when you examine the evidence, it doesn't stack up.
          You're welcome to play mine any time you're in Benoni :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
            singemonkey wrote: Beardedmoose - reports of quality Squiers are like Bigfoot. People continually claim to have found it, but when you examine the evidence, it doesn't stack up.

              Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
              singemonkey wrote: Sure. Just as soon as you get a real plectrum. ?

              Beardedmoose - reports of quality Squiers are like Bigfoot. People continually claim to have found it, but when you examine the evidence, it doesn't stack up.
              You're welcome to play mine any time you're in Benoni :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
              You see? These claims are always about sightings that happen in out of the way places that no one in their right mind would ever find themselves ?

              Care to post a fuzzy, ambiguous picture?
                2 months later
                singemonkey wrote:
                Sean wrote: Can you imagine what kind of place this would be if we did actually learn from the mistakes made by others? I can see this thread being linked to plenty "I'm learning how to play,what guitar..." threads ?
                Well, I thought it was worth writing because I figure 1 in 10 or so actually will think it's worth trusting the old hands rather than following the usual road of mishaps. Maybe the odd dad of a 14 year old will also be influenced when they're part of the process.

                Are any of these decent?

                1st - Vintage V100 AFD Paradise. ( Not sure where its made)

                2nd - Fender Modern Player HSS Strat. (Made in China)

                3rd - ESP LTD 401 VF (made in Indonesia)

                I just posted this thread in Guitar Gear.

                  I've heard good things about Vintage guitars. I've seen them in action in that hands of a semi-pro musician, but I've not played them myself.

                  Ltd. guitars get consistently good reviews and the one I've played was more than I'd expect given the price tags. They seem excellent bang-for-buck.

                  I don't know about a MIC Fender. The Chinese made Squier by Fender guitars were crap. I don't know that I'd be inclined to recommend these either (it's not that there aren't great guitars made in China, it's just that Fender's offerings from there have not been good).
                    4 months later
                    I really wished I joined this forum before I bought my first guitar and amp.

                    I purchased Epiphone Les Paul Plus Top Pro and Spider IV 15. I am very happy with the Epiphone but amp is already gathering dust. In fact I generally practice without the guitar plugged in.

                    The Laney Cub 12 is now a lot more expensive than when this post was started is it still the best one to go for ?

                      Lowkey wrote: I purchased Epiphone Les Paul Plus Top Pro and Spider IV 15. I am very happy with the Epiphone but amp is already gathering dust. In fact I generally practice without the guitar plugged in.

                      The Laney Cub 12 is now a lot more expensive than when this post was started is it still the best one to go for ?
                      Jeeeez, I wish I started with equipment like that 8) - Honestly those little spider amps (and the little roland cubes) are awesome compared to the comparable efforts I had to hack away with 20 years ago...Though you do need to invest time & effort tweaking and playing around with them - same as knowing your guitar - hearing the difference between selecting bridge pickup/neck pickup/both pickups, hearing what a little backing off on the volume does, the same on the tone knob, trying fingers vs different plectrums, etc...

                      Hope onto youtube and watch a few reviews of your equipment - that'll give you a idea of what you can do with it and how you can get there.

                      The Laney Cub (I'd go for the 12R with reverb) are good, 2nd hand they average around 4k (Though I saw a bargain last year @ R2800) - some also rate the Blackstar Ht-5, the Orange mini terror, the Ibanez TSA15 - I heard a Fender Super Champ X2 the other day and was deeply impressed.
                        Yeah. I still see cub12s going pretty cheaply 2nd hand. I think they're still a good option. As are all the options mentioned by V8 except the Ibanez IMO. I was extremely unimpressed with the one I played. Vox night-trains are another nice option. There's a Vox AC4 which might be good. Most of the other options will *tend* to be a little pricier than the Cub.

                        Learning to control the sound with the guitar's controls is one of the main reasons to own a small tube amp. Even the best pedals and modelling amps don't do this as well. When you've got a tube amp at high volume so that the power-section is driving, the guitars volume controls affect the amount of drive, as well as the volume. So with a flick of the volume knob you can go from clean and jangly to raging, or leave one pickup with the volume down and the other up, so that your pickup selector works like stepping on a distortion pedal.

                        The 1 watt setting on a cub12 seems like a good way to play with this.
                          Yesterday I took the legend Robin Gallagher out for breakfast...for those who don't know Robin, he IS Fender Southern Africa.

                          Robin owns and plays 3 Fender Custom Shop Teles, all three have the same Seymour Duncan pickups ( Custom Shop 5-2 Tele pickups) in them ...Bothners are also the Seymour Duncan agents in SA.

                          Anyway, I'm posting this free Fender advert in defence of Fender Squiers. ?
                          Robin reckons he could easily play a Classic Vibe Squier Tele with Seymour Duncan pickups in it, that's how surprisingly cool the Classic Vibe Teles are (just lost a few Tokai sales) ?.

                          If you don't know who Robin is, here you go with one of his Custom Shop Teles...guess the amp.
                          It's not fair that anyone should be able to be so damn brilliant on guitar. ?

                            Hats off to Robin Gallagher. That was amazing!
                              a year later
                              Feel free to post a whole new updated topic and link to it from here. I think your advice is stellar.
                                singemonkey wrote: Since I can't edit this post, I've posted an updated version to my blog. Images are fixed, and a few edits have been made.

                                Check it out, and share anywhere you think people might be interested.

                                Great update! Well worth a re-read - I'll keep on sending peeps to the thread (wherever you host it) - it's incredibly useful topic.

                                As expected, I'll defend Squires - Agreed, the bullet & affinity series are fairly dire in comparison to a pacifica -but classic vibe, vintage modified and the occasional squire standard are playable guitars. From what I've seen, I'd prefer a VM/CV over a MIM Standard. The CV's hold their value reasonably well for a 'squire'.

                                And sharkfins...I was watching the Niles Rodgers doccie Stud posted a while ago, he was using a white sharkfin! I like to keep a coupla white & red ones around for strumming/funking where my fingers are feel a bit heavy on the electric. Not much use for anything else though :-[

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