Is the Marshall MG series really that bad or can it work as a backup amp? Thanks!
Ive seen a few guys gig with big mg's and with proper pedals they dont sound too bad imo...
Apparently the new MG series is better than the old series. That being said, you can now get the old series for pretty decent prices (old stock).
I didn't think the old ones were bad amps, though I wasn't a big fan of the dirty channel. Clean they're fairly decent.
IMO you can probably do better for the same money. Some Suggestions.
Roland Cube and older Marshall Valvestates are often on the market.
I personally think that the cube dominates the MG:
It is smaller and lighter across the range, it also has better cleans and more effects. That is if you insist on buying new.
I think Vox also plays in that market but I personally haven't had much experience with their non/semi valve amps.
Brendon "BluJu" Neuhaus wrote:
IMO you can probably do better for the same money. Some Suggestions.
Roland Cube and older Marshall Valvestates are often on the market.
I personally think that the cube dominates the MG:
It is smaller and lighter across the range, it also has better cleans and more effects. That is if you insist on buying new.
I think Vox also plays in that market but I personally haven't had much experience with their non/semi valve amps.
Yes, old guitarist had one (the old one) and the dirty channel was horrible to my ears, and I couldn't fix it by EQ.
Roland Cube will send it away crying. I had a Vox VT100 (Valvetronix - "valve hybrid") amp and they are extremely versatile and sound good, but not the real tube amp deal.
My advice (I learned after buying a few mistakes): Save up and buy a secondhand tube amp, some of them are actually more affordable than you might think.
I have one - you'll notice that it's not listed with my gear. 'Nuff said!
Chabenda wrote:
I have one - you'll notice that it's not listed with my gear. 'Nuff said!
Chabenda wrote:
I have one - you'll notice that it's not listed with my gear. 'Nuff said!
Sound advice. I'll just stick to Cubes for now. ?
Laney. Cub. 12. If you already have an amp and it doesn't contain glowing bottles, you have to buy one that does. This should not be confusing.
And I was literally about to put my old MG50DFX on the classifieds section for R14000. I feel this thread has ruined my chances of selling it ☹
Cleric wrote:
And I was literally about to put my old MG50DFX on the classifieds section for R14000. I feel this thread has ruined my chances of selling it ☹
There are threads that trash almost every piece of gear available. I doubt this thread will significantly prejudice your sale, except for the OP, I suppose ?
singemonkey wrote:
Laney. Cub. 12. If you already have an amp and it doesn't contain glowing bottles, you have to buy one that does. This should not be confusing.
Really good amp for the price, had one, loved it! 8)
You already have a cube 80, right? Why the need for another amp, unless you want tubes. Also consider the Fender Mustangs, they seem to get good reviews.
Jayhell wrote:
You already have a cube 80, right? Why the need for another amp,
That Cube 80 is great, dont forget it has the option to drive external speakers as well, which opens up a brand new world of experimenting with Cabs
I watched Piet Botha gig with one a few days ago - he got some very decent tones out of it, but I have no idea what pedals he was using. If it's good enough for him, it can't be as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
I bought a MG100DFX in 2005. I was actually dead against buying a Marshall and spent weeks testing everything else within my budget, but once I gave in and tried it, I couldn't ignore the fact that the clean tone made me happier than any other amp I'd played. You have to value it for what it is - a cheap, entry level solid state amplifier. Then keep in mind that tone is absolutely subjective, and I wasn't looking for a "creamy blues amp" at the time.
Nowadays, I only use it on the clean channel with the gain way up and the volume down, all effects off, and FDD (Frequency Dependent Damping) on. I play it whenever I don't want to irritate the neighbours, 'cos being solid state, it still plays well at low volumes.
The biggest flaw of the amp is that the stock cooling fan starts giving problems very quickly (this was a very common problem a few years ago, it may have been fixed by now) - but it's easy to replace cheaply. On my amp, the fan used to whine for a few minutes and then go quiet, if it started up at all. Later on it actually starting buzzing along with notes that I played, which sounded horrible - so I replaced it. Who knows what damage people have done to their Marshalls if they just kept playing when the fan didn't start up - so keep this in mind when buying second hand.
Also keep in mind that the amps have gone through a couple of changes over the years - some people prefer the older models, others prefer the newer ones.
If you can afford better, there are better amps out there at higher prices. Duh. Tone is subjective, and if you're on a budget, the cube isn't the only amp out there.
Laney Cub 12 all the way 8)
I would also go for the Laney Cub, or even better, the Ibanez Tsa-15.
Don't mistake size for sound, first and foremost.
In every situation you will possibly play (unless you're playing a poorly organised gig that you should not be playing), a 2x12 combo amp will be way more than enough amp.
After years and years of a tube head on a 2x12 cab, I finally learnt that a 15watt tube combo gives me everything I need and more. That said, I have the tsa15 head and 1x12 cab set up.
Not a combo at all, still...sounds better than anything else I could find at that price.
I have a MG30DFX, it's my only amp, I have no pedals....nuff said...
Just said so many times on this forum, sound/tone is subjective. I used to play my Crafter Hybrid (with the P90) through it, and although it growled nicely, I opted for getting a SX Strat, which is now my primary electric, mainly because the variations in pup positions gives a little more versatility....I like the overdrive on my Marshall. I'm not saying, I'll never buy any pedals and I'm not saying this is the only amp I'll ever have.....just saying, it's not all that bad.
I know it's not regarded as 'real bands' but I play in church and mic up the DFX, and I'm happy.
As a backup if its a killer price yes
As a main amp, I've seen too many of these go up in smoke...literally.
They were good affordable amps a few years ago and many of us had them, nowadays there are better choices for the same cash, some that are more dependable than the mg series. I haven't heard the newer ones but I'm told they r better and more reliable.
I had an MG, 15 watter I think. For the money it was ok, my old 15 watt fender frontman would probably kill it though.