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  • Gear
  • What have you bought that you regret?

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guidothepimmp wrote: Have plenty of regretted sales..

ES-335 ☹
    I don't think I have ever bought anything I've regretted buying ....... here's my thinking, if you buy something, it means (most of the time), that you have given it some thought, or that you were curious about what it would do to enhance your playing, tone, ...etc. So if it does nothing for you, then you know that that item did not work for you (pretty much what ICM says)......but if you did NOT buy it, you would always wonder ....... and never know ..... does this make sense? Bought stuff that I have not got around to messing with yet, but no real regrets ......

    I obviously speak for/ and of myself ......... ?

    @ Deefstes, when I saw your headline I thought, geez, the new Strat.......and I checked if I had money ...... hahahahaha ......

      ? This should be fun...

      Boss Micro BR - Got it at a give away price but rarely got around to recording with it. Mostly used as a jam-along tool.
      Ibanez RG320FM - Nice guitar but was a bitch to intonate properly
      Ovation (can't remember the model) - Cool looking guitar but kept slipping every time i wanted to sit & play.

      There are a couple of swaps i regret making, most notably swapping a Boss GR20 & GK3 pickup for a beat-up Washburn 24 fret Strat copy. Again a good guitar but it was really showing its age cosmetically.
      I then swapped this guitar for an Ibanez AG75 (i think) which sounded great but was the frets were literally mangled.
        Aubs1 wrote: @ Deefstes, when I saw your headline I thought, geez, the new Strat.......and I checked if I had money ...... hahahahaha ......
        Hahahahahaha. Hahahahahahaha.

        and Hahahahahahahahaha

        That was too funny. No seriously, I think we could start another thread of "what is the best thing you ever bought" and I will be happy to post there ?

          From another angle perhaps...I bought a '70's WEM Copicat (echo chamber) in"great working condition" from someone that I trusted would not sell faulty stuff. I did not even try it out at his place only to find at home it was n't working. Had to have it fixed (thanks Karel). These WEM's are rare and great Fx for echoes, etc...so no regret....but I'm still disappointed in the person.
            chris77 wrote:
            IceCreamMan wrote: everything else is a learning curve i guess and one has to buy them and use them to learn from them..... and move on...
            Nevertheless, I think I wasted money that could have been better spent on these:

            Fender Showmaster - rusty piece of crap
            Ibanez EW20WNe - new piece of crap
            Stagg ovation type guitar - Enough said
            Cort 12 string - nice guitar, but I never ever play it.
            Marshall Class 5 - Nice amp, too loud.
            Zoom GFX5 - O.K'ish features but toneless. Currently on permanent "loan" to friend
            Boss Bluesdriver pedal - Thought it would work with the Class 5. Didn't.
            Marshall G'uvnor2 pedal - Ditto

            A quick tally of what I paid for those items reveals I could have bought a Gibson Les Paul and have some pennies to spare had I rather saved the money. Maybe even a Cabronita. ☹ >☹
            Do I smell a gas sale in the pipeline? :woohoo:
              If anyone wants to get rid of stuff they don't want, I wouldn't mind finding a use for it. ?
                Cort n70 earth or something. I thought i would be cool owning a acoustic i could plug into my amp. I have played it for about two hours in the five years i have had it.

                morely steve vai bad horsie wah- i have used it like eight times. Its active (didn't even know about passive and active back then) and could never figure out how to get rid of the hum and the drastic volume change when its turned on from off? What are the remedies for this btw?
                  Alex B Broadway wrote: If anyone wants to get rid of stuff they don't want, I wouldn't mind finding a use for it. ?
                  :yup:...I have a bakkie...and a weekend...
                    Nitebob wrote:
                    Alex B Broadway wrote: If anyone wants to get rid of stuff they don't want, I wouldn't mind finding a use for it. ?
                    :yup:...I have a bakkie...and a weekend...
                    :yup: Sounds like a good plan. ?
                      Gibson Sg Standard.............its gotta go.......prefer my Tele's and Les Paul... ?
                        I'm with Aubs and ICM - every purchase is a learning experience, even if it doesn't work out to be a keeper. These days - and largely thanks to some of the "mistakes" I've made - I have a better idea of what I do and don't like and will and won't use. I know what my dealbreakers are and what my "must haves" are.

                        Of course, knowing that I won't bond with (for instance) a Tele or a Les Paul doesn't stop me from GASsing for them on occasion.
                          What Alan said is exactly what I was thinking. I don't use all my guitars equally anymore, but each of them was my go-to at some point, and taught me something about what I want and don't want in a guitar.

                          Like Arjun I got a Boss Micro BR at a giveaway price, but it's too finicky to use for any real-world recording purpose. Computer or nothing for me, was the lesson learnt there.
                            Actual guitar hardware i seldom regret, even the guitars i have never gigged with. So it is usually pc based recording stuff like my line 6 kb interface keyboard which i have never used other than teaching sharps and flats to pupils, i.e pointing at the keyboard in my lesson! I also have some other unused roland interface and about 10 daw's never used!

                            Oh just remembered i bought a takamine acoustic that i just could never get on with and it had to go! actually never bonded with takamine....
                              I usually just sell something after spending enough time with it to realize it doesn't serve the intended purpose. Usually I get the money back or end up paying a little for the experience gained, so no regrets that I can recall...
                                I recently considered getting rid of some of my gear just gathering dust. Funny thing is, I now have great need for the guitars I considered selling ??? Seems to me usage of gear is a cyclical thing.

                                I regret NOT buying waaay more than buying...
                                  Guitars full stop. Should have started on the triangle, my bank manager would have preferred that choice.
                                  Seriously though, one regret a vox tonelab (still have it) otherwise some purchases impulsive most well researched.
                                  Saddle and Nut
                                    Saddle and Nut wrote: Guitars full stop. Should have started on the triangle, my bank manager would have preferred that choice.
                                      Lots of things. For one a Rode microphone which I've just put up for sale so go and buy it. Another thing is a Boss Micro BR which is just a sweat. Maybe I should try and sell that as well.
                                        guidothepimmp wrote: Have plenty of regretted sales..

                                        I had a Charvel Model 3 , it was a brilliant guitar, I couldn't really play electric so traded it in when buying my Takamine Acoustic.

                                        I am putting my Takamine as my first regret(at least for awhile) , I didn't bond with it for at least 7 years. It did cost a bit, so a bit expensive for an ornament.

                                        The bonding process started when I joined GFSA and decided to have a go at TJ's Open Mic Night. My old Yamaha G-230 didn't have a pickup so I kind of forced my self to play steel string and eventually we clicked. I suppose the moral of the story is to give it some time before giving up!