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hi, just got onto these forums today so i guess i'll probably show what ive got.

I also got myself a Boss MT 2 pedal . and a LINE6 TONE PORT UX 1 . which im trying to figure out atm.
    Welcome to the forum.
      Hi Thar!
      Boss MT 2 pedal
        Hey there. Nice gear... very awesome looking Jackson. Seems like you've got a whole studio there ?
          Riot! wrote: very awesome looking Jackson. ?
          I was thinking the same thing. I like that jackson!
            welcome to the forum,nice gear ?
              Hi an thanks alot ? . cant believe i didnt find this these forums earlier, looks like a really cool place
                Hello there, welcome to the forum. Hope you love it as much as we do ?
                  Glad to see iam not the only Aria player here!

                  Nice gera bud...Welcome to the forum and enjoy!
                    yea i sure will enjoy it here, see a few familiar names here from the band scene.

                    haha Aria is an awesome beginner guitar. ?
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