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welcome to the forum dude....does JBay have a guitar shop?
    Hey Dan welcome. What's the name of the JBay based band that's quite well known? Are you in it?
      Uhm. . .j-bay has no music shop. . we go to Port Elizabeth for Gear. .

      Here are hundreds of mucians but very few bands(mostly jazz). .

      There are 2 afrikaans bands that made a name for them self Melktert Kommisie and Glaskas. . I am not a fan but ja that is as big as it goes.

      Me and some friens are looking to start a band. . but for now me and a friend is just going to do a acoustic project to make money december.
        Riaan wrote: Hey Dan welcome. What's the name of the JBay based band that's quite well known? Are you in it?
        No I am not in a band at the moment. . the 2 "well known" bands from jBay are Melktert KOmmisie and Glaskas wich is quite popular with afrikaans people.
          and PE music shops aren't that great either....got friends at Tempo and Musikland but compared to CPT and KZN shops,ours suck ☹
            Hey Dan Welcome to to forum, If you learn some metal we can call you Steely Dan (ouch that's lame) ☹
              Hi Dan,

                Hi Dan

                Used to go to Ashton bay quite a lot 4 holidays.
                  Howdy Dan ?

                  Hope you enjoy it here ?
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