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I still smoke..nothing quite like a Brandy and Coke and a Marlboro on a relaxing evening at the gig..
    never have and never will. the idea of breathing burnt leaves into the things I need to stay alive eludes me ?
      Sadly, I do too... :-[
        Sorry guys, I have never smoked
          Bloody puritans. To quote the great philosopher Conan: "You wanna live forever?"
            I drive way too fast to worry about smoking killing me...
              and I can testify to that in a court of law!!!
                One of my friends started smoking less, now he has more time to play guitar, and he really improved in a short amount of time.
                  I know we are speaking about cigarette smoke but some other forms of smoking really increases your listening ability and your creativity.....And does not have so much negative effects if not abused. Far less brain damage than getting waisted on alcohol. Makes cigarette smoke kinda seem pointless ?
                    Never smoked, and hopefully never will. Smoking to relax seems kinda hypocritical, since the addiction itself causes stress.
                    Most of the time, one smokes to remove the stress of not smoking.
                      Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Bloody puritans. To quote the great philosopher Conan: "You wanna live forever?"
                      CONAN!! BWAHAHAHAHA! NICE!

                      I smoke. EVERYTHING!
                        What type of smoking are we talking about?
                          Cigarettes... but that's why there's the option for 'not cigarettes' ?
                            I started smoked cigarettes at age 13 ,Lucky Strike plain then Chesterfield plain. It was cool only jerks didn't smoke. Even in the army , the smokers were the tough guys, the others were in sick bay.

                            When they first started with regulating smoking in the workplace, the smoking room became the nerve centre of the organization, that's were all the smart dudes were, you could organize priority on your batch runs in the smoking room.

                            By the turn of the century the character of the smoking area's in most organization had changed, it was mostly mail clerks, building security staff, and the odd cool dude who had forgotten to put his/her nicotine patch on that morning. It made me question why do I smoke. Does it make me cool? Do I really care what other people think of me.

                            After doing a lot of research I couldn't find one positive application for nicotine save that it kills insects. So why would I want to spend most of my waking life killing myself slowly with an insecticide? Simple I was a complete addict.

                            Nicotine rates up there with heroine and coke as being one of the most addictive substances known to man. Now add to that that the tobacco companies have spent decades and billions of dollars on research and development not to make cigarettes more healthy but more poisonous and addictive. So who is the cool dude now? The nerd that never smoked or the zombie who wastes their GAS money, to inhale a substance that will eventually kill you just so you can make some unscrupulous American fat cats richer.

                            I gave up cigarettes in 2001 and will never smoke a cigarette again. Cannabis on the other hand is not physiologically addictive, it's consumption is 10 time less likely to cause heart or lung disease and it in addition to being a mild anti depressant it reduces nausea related to chemotherapy and can treat glaucoma. Yet it was declared an illegal substance in the the US in 1938 on the recommendations of a subcommittee who's members who had vested interests in alcohol and tobacco companies, do the maths, the world has some powerfully evil MF's
                              No, have never been a smoker, although, until I moved out of my parents house, I was a BIG second hand smoker ?
                                Renesongs wrote: So who is the cool dude now? The nerd that never smoked or the zombie who wastes their GAS money, to inhale a substance that will eventually kill you just so you can make some unscrupulous American fat cats richer.
                                At least the Cool zombie got laid ?
                                j/k. I agree with everything you're saying. Smoking's faded from our culture in such a way that it's seen as ok to not smoke. (Where did we go wrong in the first place. Damn you, Hollywood) It's become a dirty habit that people just don't find awesome anymore. (well, that's the vibe i'm getting down here.. other cities could be different) All that anti-smoking action has paid off.
                                Still, you can't lie, you can look damn awesome with a cigarette ?