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Hey Guys, picked up this Marshall head and cab on the weekend. Need a clean straight cab now to turn this bad boy into a monster..
    Awesome man, that is the cleanest 60's JMP I've seen in a long time. What speakers are in that cab?

    May I ask what you paid for it?


      awesome, were do you find this stuff?
        The cab has 4 Celestion Pre Rola Speakers. Made in Thames Ditton, Surrey.
        I traded the amp on the Custom Shop Stratocaster I had for sale in the classifieds.

        I was fortunate to be able to pick this one up locally....as SAA don't like you storing amps in the overhead compartments.

          Vintage Guitar wrote: SAA don't like you storing amps in the overhead compartments.
          I've never thought about it, but frightning thought - I've seen what can happen to acoustic guitars in the unpressurised baggage hold and would hate to see what a sudden drop in pressure would do to the speaker cones in a closed back cab like a Marshall.
            WOW! a beauty! Vintage instruments and amps are more elegantly beautiful than their modern rivals... Vintage rules! 8)
              mmmh, is that mountains i see in your backyard?

              Seems like the perfect place to turn up the marshall very loud without anyone complaining. 8)
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