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  • Nov 6, 2012
  • Joined Sep 3, 2008
  • Hmm, that seems like a good Idea. I have a trusty old Cort Action Bass...
    • Hey hey everyone! Nice to see the forum is running smoothly! Been busy lately so been scarce!

      Okay, here's my problemo/concern...

      My bass goes out of tune quite quickly... and when I hit the low notes {by the headstock}, every now and then it vibrates quite irritatingly... Im using Elixar strings {cost me R400 a pop} so the strings are not the problemo... Is there any product I can buy that can keep the machine heads/tuning bobs in tune for WAY longer? ???
      • Les Paul ♥ Les Paul ♥ Les Paul ♥ Les Paul♥ =^.^= Meow!!! The most beautifully shaped guitar ever!!!
        • WOW! a beauty! Vintage instruments and amps are more elegantly beautiful than their modern rivals... Vintage rules! 8)
          • here's a cool one: http://www.jemsite.com/vrg/ Below is my one... for now... pity there aint any basses...
            • Cool bands I have found:
              Black Stone Cherry
              Damn Right! They are smooth Southern Rockers based on Lynyrd Skynyrd and Led Zeppelin, what could be better! 8)

              I've recently stumbled upon an AWESOME radio station (internet radio station) based in Greece! Its WELL worth a listen if you like all kinds of Rock (anything from 80's rocky pop to electro rock and everything in between!) Here's the link:


              Does anyone know how I could get my hands on an International Radio Tuner... I would LOVE to listen to this station everyday, but it chows bandwidth (without you knowing it, like all streamed audio).

              As far as SA radio stations go, plainly put, I don't listen to the radio at all {not by choice}... which is why i enjoy working at Look & Listen (cause I get to buy the music I WANT to listen to ANYTIME I want!) If anyone is planning to start a damn needed Rock station in CPT, I'm IN {whether it be for DJ purposes or just to help with the promo} 8) Woop!!
              • Hmmm... I'll keep my ears to the ground guys {seems i work in Look & Listen, might get some inside info on release dates for SA stores, price etc}

                My guess is that its gonna be available just bfore the christmas rush, and would probably retail at about R180 - R220... cause thats what u pay for goooood shit! ?
                • i think its cause the good ones do it more for the love of the music itself...

                  bad ones do it solely for the money... which explains why its so commercial in construction...

                  well... thats what i think.. 8)
                  • Thanks for starting the (now-annointed) official happy bday thread, LBG Smiley
                    Tis my pleasure!

                    Even bigger thanx goes to the GFSA family {all the faboo members} who brighten my days with informative, comical, intriguing and damn right awesome conversations!

                    So FANK U! ?
                    • ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY GFSA!!! ?

                      Thanx for all the bloody awesome discussions, tips and entertainment!
                      You've made my drab working days a breeze! woop! Hope theres many, many, many, many years to come!!!

                      Special Thanks goes to Norio & Alan!! ? U guys rule!

                      Lots of Luv

                      • cool! its just that the stage of Dizzy's (in camps bay) looks alot like the place you guys were playing at on the fb pix ?
                        • Yes... it is a shame ☹ everything is always about fame and money... forget the real reasons like making music for the happiness it gives us... money money money
                          • Epiphone goth
                            Hello hello! Nice to see you on the forum! mmm.... you have an Epiphone goth? which one? Damn... ive always had a crush on an Epiphone Thunderbird, in goth or original... both sexy baby's to me! ?

                            Nice Axe! Very sexy indeed! Love the Jackson kinda style... its very flattering on an axe! Nice blue amp there too!

                            Cover bands are cool though, they deserve respect 8) You've been playing alot at Dizzy's?
                            • The fact Metallica are a corporation now says a lot. It's all about the money...
                              Very good point! And in the end it should always, ALWAYS be about the music!

                              Trujilo should have seen this coming... you cant have an existing deal/agreement with one brand and then expect nothing to happen when you join a band [and signed their contract] that already has a set band contract....

                              I wouldve stuck with my original endorser.... its whats right, they saw your potential before you reached it, so its only fair to keep your loyalty to them.... well, thats how i see it
                              • mmmm.... facebook..... such a good way to spend my day at work... that and GF of course! ?
                                • well, you know you've hit the big time when guitars are endorsed and you are paid (either in cash or in material aka guitars and equipment) to play em. but it is typical big brand behaviour to want to be shown off by the biggest stars around, no matter what the cost. I do have sympathy for Fernandes, but at the end of the day, as muso's we aim to become more experienced, and therefore more noted as a musician... which means that to move on up in the world, we all have to make decisions and sacrifices... Fernandes is the sacrifice unfortunately, although i would like to keep a one brand loyalty system. ESP shouldnt bitch about it, but i get their point...