Stubbs wrote:
On Roland's site it says the speaker out won't mute the sound on the 80 watt, but I think on the "line out" it does mute it.
Line outs do not mute the main speaker. A tech should be able to rig the extension jack to mute the built in speaker. But why? Generally more speakers are better.
Aren't tube amps a bit of maintenance though?
Yup. Also most are a bit more delicate than solid-state. Easier to fix though. If you want an amp to handle a variety of volume levels, the solid-state amps like the Cubes (or the Fender Mustangs) make sense. Valve amps are at their best when running at the volumes they were made for - there is a bit of range, but not enough to turn a club or stage amp into a bedroom practice amp. Sure, you can turn down any master volume amp, but they don't sound the same, and you lose the whole
raison d' etre for having a valve amp in the first place.
Another thing is price. The Cube 80 goes for R3800, but in the states it goes for about R2700. I wonder how much it would cost to import it.
Add shipping (a couple of hundred dollars), 14% VAT and other fees, and then consider the US amps run on 110V (so you need to buy a stepdown transformer) and suddenly you realise the local price ain't that bad...
Not for small stage or club...