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O~kay, so like I said from before, I'm gonna share with you some bands, musicians and stuff from france, if you want. I'll regularly put some youtube vid's in here, or mp3 links in case, or... Well you know, stuff.
If you wish to discover new bands, this could be a way - I hope you'll find interesting things for ya ! Feel free to comment, aks questions, and more.

I'm starting with Matmatah, a folk/rock band, formed in 95. Hope you'll like !

    Aint Gojira a french metal band? Just asking.....
      Yes, absolutely. Their bassist is also part of Cavalera Conspiracy.
        Hi , do you know Pierre Bensusan? A great fingerstyle guitarist who helped to make DADGAD popular?
          Manumanu wrote: Yes, absolutely. Their bassist is also part of Cavalera Conspiracy.
          Du Plantier ??
            @Squonk: Yes, i watch some of his vid's recently ; but i don't know very well his music.

            @Tamla Kahn 'Hammeron' McMahon: Yes, or in fact, it was during the first album ; now it's someone else.

              Only French band I really know of, and he uses an ERG which is always a win in my book ?
                And i didn't kwnow them ; it's kinda cool ! Thanks for this !

                So, today i propose you a little bit of rock/electro/metal with my favourites : Sidilarsen with this song from their new album (the 4th), Machine Rouge.


                Laisse couler la sueur, écoute la clameur : Back to Basics ! :dance:
                  For the guitar-centric types - also check out Christophe Godin (a good friend of BBF and IA, which should tell you something):



                    Yeah, I know and like him ! I had the chance to talk with. He's also doing some exercises for Guitar-Part, a guitar magazine/DVD. In the last one, he was doing a very cool jam with Patrick Rondat. I wish to see his metal band (Gnô) in live one day but... Well, my city is not the best for music (except Les Déferlantes d'Argelès sur mer - this year i'll see Sting, Mika, Gallagher, Franz Ferdinand... And the frenchies Shaka Ponk, Dionysos) .

                    Anyway, if anyone needs a quick translation for his vid's, let me know. ?

                      Manumanu wrote: And i didn't kwnow them ; it's kinda cool ! Thanks for this !

                      So, today i propose you a little bit of rock/electro/metal with my favourites : Sidilarsen with this song from their new album (the 4th), Machine Rouge.


                      Laisse couler la sueur, écoute la clameur : Back to Basics ! :dance:
                      Très bien! What guitar is he rocking there? It looks more like a Fender Jaguar than a Fender Mustang but it's not right for either.
                        It's a jaguar, but with a stop-bar and tune-o-matic. You can see it clearly at 02:19.

                        Usually he's using a Vigier, but he wanted to look more "rocker" in this vid.
                          Okay, today it's meeetal ! I would like to introduce Eths !


                          BONUS TIME !

                          Orelsan is a young singer/rapper, who worked hard on his first album Perdu d'avance, wich take him above height years to be made from writing to official release. One day with a foolish idea in his mind, he went to Paris to try to see a guitar player, to make him listen his songs. Orelsan humbly asked him if he would be ok to make a guitar solo for one of the tracks, and the guy said "Yes !". It was Ron Thal, well known as Bumblefoot.


                          The solo starts on 2:26 if you can't stand rap - but it's not rap, it's Orelsan ! ?
                            Mathieu Chedid, alias -M-.


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