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Hey all

I'd love for you to take a listen to the latest song I wrote and let me know your thoughts.

Here's the link -> http://www.box.com/s/mlzm8j2s0z7gb2h5f2fd

Still to do on the track:
- Redo the main vocal track as I'm not 100% happy
- Backing vocal harmonies
- Bass & Drums
- Electric guitar during the refrain at the end

I used the new Samson C02 pair I got on Friday to do the acoustic, electric slide (as room mics with a Behringer C1 LDC for close micing the amp) and also the main vocals (about a meter behind the main Behringer C1 LDC mic)

I'd love to your hear feedback/opinion on the song ?
    Garth, That was awesome man!!! The recording quality was really good, loved the sound of the acoustic!

    The song as a whole was great, really enjoyed it!
      very cool Garth, lets hear some more ?
        Very cool! Nice singing, lyrics, recording - all very nice ?
          Hi Garth

          Good composition, great arrangement, acoustic guitars sound great.

          The "organ" gives the song a bit of a prog rock sound ala Radiohead, Pink Floyd.

          The "Strings" just dont do it for me, but that's just my opinion. Sounds a whole bunch better when the electric slide comes in.

          Excellent stuff (Notice I upped it a notch from just "Good Stuff")
            Thanks everyone ?

            Squonk. I agree with you with regard to the strings sound. I've revamped and re-arranged it to exclude the instrumental in the middle, and used some much better pad and synth patches. It sounds way better.

            Also, listening to it again with better cans, the acoustic and vocals were way too trebly, so I've also redone the eq's.

            I really appreciate the feedback. I will upload a more updated version when I get time.

            Reaper for the win!
              8 days later
              Hey all

              I've made the changes as mentioned above and added bass and drums, all programmed using the Acoustica Instruments (Mixcraft) in Reaper. I'd love to hear your thoughts again, IMO it sounds 10 times better than before.

              Here's the link -> http://www.box.com/s/yqzgd2ctcsdnepeo86tk

              I really appreciate the input everyone ?
                21 days later
                Dude significantly better ? :goodtimes: :applause:
                  Yeah man! The original was good but I really love the bass on this second take.
                    Thanks for the feedback guys. Much appreciated. The bass patch I used is from the Acoustica Instruments VST that comes free with the Mixcraft 5 demo.

                    The song feels complete now ?
                      You've got a really unique sounding voice. I thoroughly enjoyed that track
                        most excellent, and i don't use that term lightly. some thoughts - i preferred the organ in the first arrangement, and i might bring the drums in a touch earlier (although it's hard to say where), just because i otherwise feel like the 'intro' is too long, if that makes sense. but it's your song, chuck out what i say if it don't fit with what you feel.

                        yep, that's about it, it's great, it's inspiring
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