ok so here is the story.
for many years i wanted to learn to play drums, but acoustic drums is too loud(regardless of 100watt valve heads, they are awesome, just put in ear plugs), so my other alternative was to get an electronic drum kit.
......geuss what it costs money, not wanting to spend any of my guitar money on drum gear, i mean its something you hit anyway.
so being a DIY guy i decided to build one. i got this idea 3 years ago, and i forced myself to to get started now and get it done.
so a while back i picked up an alesis DM5 for a good price, R1000, now i had to solve the problem of pads, they are about R800 - R2000 new per pad.
so i think for myself, is it me or is this some crazy stuff roland and these guys are smoking.
went to the electronic store bought a piezo trigger for R3, put it onto a piece of aluminium with a rubber ontop, wire on a jack, plug it into the alesis drum unit...............turns it out works and triggers more accurately than the roland pads.
i got myself a winning recipe.
EDIT: forgot to add, this is where i got most of my inspiration from:
so first up was the kick drum, quickly jotted down some stuff on paper and made some calculations, took it to a friend, welded some offcuts together, and this was the outcome, the most solid electronic kick ever............so far it only cost me a total of R3 to make, cause all the other materials are un-useable offcuts.
the bottle in the middle is filled with water to add weight, but the final one will have velcro or silicon feet or something
the trigger is in the middle behind the 2mm aluminium sheet