Really nice, thanks!
- In Steve Newman
- Looks like a Fender crossed with a Batmobile....
- Many thanks guys!
See you soon Pete - We spent 3 weeks there in Nov last year, 2013, and went in in the North at Pafuri, and exited at Crocodile bridge in the South. The camps in the North were newer, and the service really good, fewer animals. The South was the opposite but a lot more animals. We had a whale of a time. Very much in evidence were heavily armed anti poaching units and occasionally helicopters.
Very many overseas visitors (Dutch, German and French) who loved the place and were always very excited, and about 20% South African, who were, well, very South African. - Have a special day!
- Me too!
- Wow, proper music! Thanks Lindsmuse.
- Confucius say:
"War is not about who is right,
It is about who is left." - Really enjoyed that...
Those guys in the background didn't know what they were missing.
Is it just me or is it harder to play slow? - I think the saying is "if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there".
I think that your client's wish is generally the destination, and generally the wish is limited by what the destination is going
to cost him.
If you are your own client, and can build whatever you want, then you are in a mind spinning situation.
I think we would all like to be in your shoes as far as technical ability goes.
Maybe build the smallest amp you can with a view to fitting it in a Harley/4X4/caravan/trailer for those dudes with practice/travelling guitars
so they can practice on the road or on holiday.
I don't know either.
Nice situation to be in, though. Good luck. - Nice one!
Was that a vocaliser? - Stirrer!
- At TJs We use a Yamaha Stagepas 300 as a PA on Open Mic Nights. This is a minute mixer/amplifier
with 4 XLR or 1/4" TRS inputs, so you can have 2 mics and 2 instruments and a stereo
input for an iPod for example. This is connected to 2 passive speakers.
We then use the Stagepas as monitors on stage in the bigger venue.
I would recommend Shure SM58 microphones. An industry standard and because they are
so well known and trusted, easy to sell if you need to.
- Very nice. Well done.
- About those pants...
I wonder if they make them in XXXL - Congrats Deefstes and to your wife. Guess we won't see you at TJ's so often!
- How did it go Pete?
- Hey Squonk, take a break, it's one of the few things you can do for free. I have done it many times over the years, sometimes as long as 6 months. Always came back stronger. Think about what you want to do in the meantime and what is limiting you in your playing. Creating original music in non standard tunings would drive me batty but it may be your niche. During your break work out goals for the future, eg learn music theory, create your versions of covers etc just to break the mold. Visit TJs, know what they're missing.
Main thing, enjoy. - Why are there no blondes in Japan?
The quest for zero defect.
I just checked the wiki page. It's interesting. After stage 16 Lemond had that 53 second lead. After 17 Fignon was ahead by 26 seconds. That's a 79 second turn around in one stage. Fignon then extended his lead by another 24 seconds on stage 18 - 103 seconds gained in two stages. For Lemond to make 58 seconds back in the final stage doesn't seem THAT unlikely.X-rated Bob wrote:
Stages 15-20 were all mountain stages of 180 to 220 km where you always get bigger time swings. Stage 21, the TT, was a short, flat route in Paris. The cobbles for long stretches on each lap made his second ever fastest TT in the Tour that much more remarkable.