there's a program "pawn stars" i am addicted to on history channel on fridays...... where they follow the buys of a LA pawn shop
and this week dude walks into the store trying to sell what he thought was a 1960 Gibson les paul custom ........ he had owned the guitar since the 80's and obviously the store calls in an expert and was way cool cos the expert run through everything to look for in a 60's les paul........
after examination by the LA guitar expert it was revealed that it was genuine Gibson but NOT a 1960 as the owner was thinking but prob a mid 70's one ... the dude who owned it looked devastated by the news........
the expert said the one he had was a really nice one ....... but not worth the price of a 1960 's on they still offered him $3000 for it but the muso walked out with it and did not sell, saying if he was only gonna get that he would rather keep it since he toured with it since the 80's and would take it back on the road.......
so i assume he (the muso) was duped into thinking it was a 1960 lespaul when he bought it .bummer or else he was trying his luck in a con ,...... who knows.. but in his favour the look on his face when the guitar expert said it was not a 1960 les paul but a mid 70's one was one of pure shock so maybe he was tricked.....
anyway was cool hearing what the dude said and seeing the guitar ....... it was a black ...well roadworn , mid 70's les paul custom in original condition.... as in all the stock tuners and control knobs ect ........
and this week dude walks into the store trying to sell what he thought was a 1960 Gibson les paul custom ........ he had owned the guitar since the 80's and obviously the store calls in an expert and was way cool cos the expert run through everything to look for in a 60's les paul........
after examination by the LA guitar expert it was revealed that it was genuine Gibson but NOT a 1960 as the owner was thinking but prob a mid 70's one ... the dude who owned it looked devastated by the news........
the expert said the one he had was a really nice one ....... but not worth the price of a 1960 's on they still offered him $3000 for it but the muso walked out with it and did not sell, saying if he was only gonna get that he would rather keep it since he toured with it since the 80's and would take it back on the road.......
so i assume he (the muso) was duped into thinking it was a 1960 lespaul when he bought it .bummer or else he was trying his luck in a con ,...... who knows.. but in his favour the look on his face when the guitar expert said it was not a 1960 les paul but a mid 70's one was one of pure shock so maybe he was tricked.....
anyway was cool hearing what the dude said and seeing the guitar ....... it was a black ...well roadworn , mid 70's les paul custom in original condition.... as in all the stock tuners and control knobs ect ........