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  • Guitar
  • Pickmaster - you'll never run out of plectrums again

Yeah, stranger things have been used before... there was a long thread some time back about this.

We have a new guitarist in our band and he has always used a plectrum cut from an Eno cap and this from the time when he started playing 25 odd years ago... he now can't use anything else. ???
    PeteM wrote: Yeah, stranger things have been used before... there was a long thread some time back about this.

    We have a new guitarist in our band and he has always used a plectrum cut from an Eno cap and this from the time when he started playing 25 odd years ago... he now can't use anything else. ???
    Like Brian May who uses a penny.

    Not sure buying a gadget like this for R200? R300? warrants itself. Think about it. A plectrum is R5. You could by 60 plectrums. How many plectrums do you go through realistically??? 60 would last me a good few years. ?
      Paul E wrote: Like Brian May who uses a penny.
      Well....... errmmm, a sixpence ...... ? ?

      "Brian's rather unusual choice of guitar pick is a coin - an english sixpence, which is a small circular coin with a serrated edge. He chose to use the sixpence as a pick because he finds plastic plectrums too flexible. He holds the coin very lightly and occasionally uses its serrated edge against the strings to produce a rasp. For quiter sections, Brian will often pick the strings with his fingers and only use the coin for the louder sections where more attack is required. For his first solo tour, Brian actually had some sixpence sized coins specially minted and these were on sale during the tour."
      Paul E wrote: Not sure buying a gadget like this for R200? R300? warrants itself. Think about it. A plectrum is R5. You could by 60 plectrums. How many plectrums do you go through realistically??? 60 would last me a good few years. ?
      Yep, and if you misplace or lose the gadget, you still have to buy plectrums .....

        Paul E wrote: Not sure buying a gadget like this for R200? R300? warrants itself. Think about it. A plectrum is R5. You could by 60 plectrums. How many plectrums do you go through realistically??? 60 would last me a good few years. ?
        I still have my first pick from 3 years ago ? and my second pick from a year after that...those are pretty much all i use ?
          I play my pics flat in about a week (jumbo jazz 3's at R10 a pop) not to mention the amount I lose all the time and I buy those cheap boxes of alice picks to hand out to my students if they don't have picks so i'd pretty much love this!
            UncleGoatLips wrote: I play my pics flat in about a week (jumbo jazz 3's at R10 a pop) not to mention the amount I lose all the time and I buy those cheap boxes of alice picks to hand out to my students if they don't have picks so i'd pretty much love this!
            Wear them down in a week? That's hectic playing ?
            I lose them or give them away so I generally buy picks everytime I go to the Guitar Shop.
              ya, maybe a week of hectic playing ? but still, my place is littered with worn down picks.

                1. Buy the pickmaster
                2. Go to maizey or some plastic place, buy sheets of plastic,
                3. Make tons of pics
                4. Sell pickmaster on the forum.
                  It would still be cheaper with the pickmaster if you do like a black bag full of picks.

                  These cards would be awesome promo products for a band if you could get your band stuff printed on them, you could even make them your business card somehow.
                    Although I lose picks quite regularly, when scratching araound in drawers, tubs, boxes, etc, I always seem to find a myriad of plectra dating back to the 90's, 80's or beyond. It's only recently by changing from a 2mm Jim Dunlop, that has caused me to actually buy a few plectrums.
                      CD cases FTW!! Awesome picks if you have nothing else.
                        Ya but they flake off leaving your guitar covered in CD case dandruff.
                          lol thats true too but the feel they give is awesome
                            This would save me hacking myself to shreds with a Stanley Knife.
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